Via Jazz

Jeremy Pelt "The art of intimacy"



Música que sona al programa: "Love is simple" i "Little girl blue" ("The art of intimacy", 2020) Jeremy Pelt, trompeta; George Cables, piano; Peter Washington, contrabaix. "Blues in sophistication" i "There'll be other times" (de l'àlbum "The art of intimacy, vol2, His Muse", 2023) Jeremy Pelt, trompeta; Victor Gould, piano; Buster Williams, contrabaix; Billy Hart, bateria. "From whom I Love so much" i "I can't escape from you" Jeremy Pelt, trompeta; Victor Gould, piano; Buster Williams, contrabaix; Billy Hart, bateria; Nicole Neeli, viola; Andrew Griffin i Josh Henderson, violins; Susan Mandel, violoncel. "Two for the road" Jeremy Pelt, trompeta; Chico Pinheiro, guitarra. "Slow hot wind" Jeremy Pelt, trompeta; Victor Gould, piano; Buster Williams, contrabaix; Billy Hart, bateria "Slow hot wind" (de l'àlbum "Sarah Vaughan sings the Mancini Songbook", 1965) Sarah Vaughan, veu. Quincy Jones, producció musical.