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托福雅思口语太难?快来和安迪一起学习地道的美语来征服雅思托福口语吧!今日话题:How can we save endangered species? Please include details and examples in your answer. 解题方案:Problem-SolutionWhat is wrong now?Andy: Nowadays, many species(物种) are on the verge of extinction(灭绝).What are the effects of this?Andy:  The whole ecosystem(生态系统)will collapse(坍塌) because the food chain(食物链)has been damaged. At the end of the day, our offsprings(后代)will bear all the outcomes of the mistakes made by their covetous ancestors(贪婪的祖先). World hunger, tsunamis(海啸), floods(洪水) and the list goes on and on! What caused the problem?Andy: It was caused largely by animal agriculture(畜牧业), which contributes to 51% of the greenhouse gases(温室气体)in our atmosphere(大气层), like carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)and methane(甲烷). They are the culprit(元凶) of global warming(温室效应), according to studies provided by WHO.  Whereas our industries(工业)only take up 13 % of the greenhouse gases. In order to support animal agriculture, large corporations(企业)and industries have been cutting numerous acres of ra