Miss Wan

点餐英语-我想要一张六人桌,并不是I need a six people table



关注微信公众号:英语启航站,回复关键字“点餐”,阅读和收听本期内容。情景1: 进餐馆(服务员领座)Traveler: Hello, we need a table for six.游客:您好,我们要一张六人桌。Waiter: Sure, right this way, please.服务员:好的,这边请。need 动词:需要a table for six 词组:一张六个人的桌子情景2: 点饮料(餐前饮料)Waiter: Would you like something to drink before dinner?服务员:在用餐之前想喝些什么?Traveler: I’d like some tomato juice.游客:我想要些番茄汁。dinner 名词:晚餐、正餐,tomato juice 词组:番茄汁情景3: 点主食(点自己想吃的食物)Traveler: Can I have the salmon, the steak, the pasta and some vegetables?游客:我可以要三文鱼、牛排、意大利面和一些蔬菜吗?Waiter: Alright.服务员:好的。salmon 名词:三文鱼、大马哈鱼pasta 名词:意大利面、意大利通心粉情景4: 餐后甜点(您可以根据自己的喜好点甜点)Waiter: What would you like for dessert?服务员:您想要什么甜点?Traveler: Can I have apple pie, but without ice cream?游客:我要苹果派,但不要加冰淇淋。dessert 名词:餐后甜点 apple pie 词组:苹果派、苹果馅饼