The Brendon Show

How to Double Your Progress



How can you double your progress without doubling your work hours? How do you make your dreams come true faster? And most importantly, how do you do it all without compromising your health, your sanity, and your happiness along the way? In this episode, learn how to make the most of your day and achieve more, faster! “Too many great people fail to reach their full potential because they got discouraged and they allowed that to stop them from continuing to progress. You have to learn to identify the time when you feel discouraged and instead of going to grab food or watch social media, analyze it a little bit. Say, 'Okay I feel discouraged. Let me honor that. Because I really want to be a person of excellence.' Now, your discouragement is coming from a positive intent that you want to be better and give better and succeed. So ask yourself: what’s the next action of integrity for you? What’s the next thing you can do to move forward a little bit?” If you want to double down on your progress, this episode is f