The Brendon Show

My Favorite Networking Tips



Today, let's talk about your network. We'd all like to expand our network to include people we enjoy being around, whom we can serve and draw value from, but how do we do it? How can we create meaningful connections with the people we want to meet and befriend? In this episode, learn some of the best networking tips you can use — immediately! On your journey to expanding your network and circle of influence, consider this: "There are two kinds of people who enter a room: One person enters a room and says, ‘Here I am, look at me’ and the other person enters the room and says ‘Oh there you are! How are you?’ Don't worry whether or not anyone likes you in the room. Don’t have an elevator pitch in your pocket. Instead, ask yourself, 'How can I find out who in this room has commonality, needs a connection, or is trying to build the same thing? Could I introduce them to someone?' Focus on adding value to others, and you'll find it coming back to you tenfold." If you're looking to learn the best networking tips to