The Brendon Show

Increase Your Happiness Levels



Believe it or not, you can dramatically increase the level of happiness in your life and you can do so by practicing the simplest things. In this episode, discover the actions you can take to get excited about your future, appreciate your past, and feel great in the moment. “If you rack up five or six bad yesterdays, it’s very easy to be unhappy now, and for that unhappiness to stick. Have you ever had several weeks or months where you were just happy? Do you remember that deep connection and fondness? Happiness has momentum to it, but if you haven’t felt that happiness, start practices that will make you happier. You have to self-will how you want to feel.” If you're looking to increase your happiness and appreciation for the past, present, and future, this episode is for you!   Get your High Performance Planner (before we sell out!) Get HPX Optimized For more training on high performance, at a deeper and more interactive level, join us in High Performance Monthly training program. It's my monthly subs