Blessed + Bossed Up

Wilderness Mentality #2



In this episode of the Blessed and Bossed Up podcast, Tatum continues the discussion on Joyce Meyer's book Battlefield of the Mind, focusing on chapter 17, which deals with the "wilderness mentality" of avoiding responsibility. Tatum highlights the importance of taking personal responsibility for the opportunities and callings that God places before us. She emphasizes that Christian growth involves moving from dependence on others to a mature, self-disciplined faith that actively seeks God's guidance directly, rather than relying solely on others for spiritual direction. Tatum uses the example of the Israelites and Moses to illustrate how reliance on leaders like Moses can sometimes lead to spiritual complacency, where believers avoid taking personal responsibility for their faith journey.Tatum also reflects on the need for proper spiritual mentorship and development before stepping into leadership or ministry roles, using her own experiences of being discipled and mentored by more seasoned Ch