Happy English Podcast

732 - Pig Idioms



There’s nothing better than a summer barbecue. You can pig out on burgers and hot dogs, even make a total pig of your self and everyone there is as happy as a pig in mud. One of my friends asked me when I was going to stop eating meat. When? Well, when pigs fly, that’s when! In the last few episodes of the Happy English podcast, I talked about hot and heat idioms. After all, it is the middle of the summer now. And summer brings us to barbecues and picnics - two kinds of events where you can enjoy good food and nice company outside in the park or by the beach. And thinking about that reminded me of this set of pig idioms. Join my Podcast Learner's Study Group here: https://learn.myhappyenglish.com/transcriptVisit my website: https://www.myhappyenglish.com/