Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

All Will Soon Experience the Death of Death - Shunyamurti Invites You to the Next Online Retreat



Revelation of the Real: The Final Secrets of the Simulation and the Self | Online Weekend Intensive Guided by Shunyamurti | July 5 - 7, 2024 https://bit.ly/Secrets-Simulation We are fast approaching the paradoxical culmination of history. This will unfold as the nonduality of destruction and salvation. God’s plan includes the transmission of divinizing shakti and the sacred anointment with the intoxicating nectar of infinite wisdom of those souls who are faithfully serving the Supreme Self by detaching from the unreal and abiding in the Real. You are invited to participate in our upcoming retreat in which the final secrets will be shared and your consciousness will be prepared for your ultimate apotheosis.