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How to Fix Your Slow-Growing Blog Traffic | Ep. #106



In Episode #106 Eric and Neil talks about how you can speed up the slow growing traffic on your blog. Listen to learn their tips for boosting traffic, and why sometimes it isn’t your content that’s the problem, but the code base on your website. Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:28 – Today’s topic: How to Fix Your Slow Growing Blog Traffic 00:46 – Publish more content! 01:21 – Pay people to make content 01:36 – Check out ProBlogger 01:52 – The problem might be your internal structure and how you’re cross linking 02:18 – Link to your cornerstone content 02:31 – Use Google Search Console to look at the pages 02:55 – The depth of your content has to be longer 03:31 – You can add more value to your content 03:42 – Look at the code base too 05:00 – Neil’s friend from Goodreads added new servers 05:30 – Check out Google Page Speed or PingDom to know what makes your website slow 05:44 – Use a CDN Content Delivery Network 06:09 – Go to Twitter and search articles 06:57 – That’s it for today’s episode!