Zero To Travel Podcast : National Geographic Type Adventures, Lifestyle Design Like Tim Ferriss Plus Inspiration Like Ted

An Unconventional Approach to Challenges, Maximizing Travel With a Full-Time Job, Advice on Publishing, Creating Solo Travel Magic With Jen Ruiz



How can one simple concept or decision radically change your life? In 2017, Jen Ruiz set out to take 12 trips in 12 months before her 30th birthday while employed full-time as an attorney. By the end of the 12 months, she had taken 20 trips and discovered a new career path, empowering others to change their lives through travel. Jen is a five-time Amazon bestselling author, three-time TEDx speaker, and solo travel maven. Her new memoir, 12 Trips in 12 Months: Make Your Own Solo Travel Magic, documents this journey of what happened when she decided to stop waiting for others and start living for herself.  Jen and I talk all about solo travel and advice on traveling with a full-time job. She shares advice on self-publishing versus traditional publishing, how and when to make the transition to travel from a full-time job, how your perceived drawbacks can actually be your biggest benefits, and a ton more. What challenge can you set for yourself to make the most of your travels? I'd love to hear your thoughts and