Learning Chinese Through Stories




"It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father."  - Pope John XXIII On the coming father's day, let's learn this  emotional piece from Cai Chao.  Transcript and vocabulary for this episode can be found @https://www.patreon.com/posts/38065542 Welcome to our new patrons:Luciano, Dan Medicoff, Đạt Võ, Peter Andreas, Novian, JJ Shankar, Анна Сидоренко, Nat, Mary Salim. We couldn’t do it without the help of you. Please introduce yourself @https://www.patreon.com/posts/33867685 If you think our podcast is valuable to you and other Chinese learners,  become our patron for as low as $5/month. Yes ! With about 1$/week, you will have access to all of the transcripts, vocabulary list and patrons only episodes. Are you already a listener? Leaving the show a review on iTunes will help more people find the podcast. Thank you!!