Learning Chinese Through Stories




What does a college student's day look like ?  In this episode, you will meet Xiaolin, a college student from a top tier university in Wuhan. Shout out to Cal who shared with us this idea. Please let us know what you think. _R&S ************************************************************ If you like this episode and would like to access the transcript and ad free audio, please consider supporting us by becoming a patron, where you will find all transcripts and other benefits. ************************************************************ Chinese for Superior- LCTS Chinese for Advanced-Playlist Chinese for Intermediate High-LCTS Chinese for Intermediate-Playlist Chinese for Beginners-Playlist If you think our podcast is valuable to you and others,  become our patron for as low as $5/month.You will have access to the transcripts, vocabulary list and patrons only episodes. ************************************************************ Are you already a listener? Leaving the show a review on iTunes will he