Testtalks | Automation Awesomeness | Helping You Succeed With Test Automation

Expert Take on Playwright, and API Testing with Bas Dijkstra



In today's episode, we are excited to feature the incredible insights of Bas Dijkstra, an independent test automation consultant and trainer with a wealth of experience spanning 17 years in the field. Bas joins us to share his journey in developing restassured.net, a much-needed library for HTTP API testing in C#, inspired by his fondness for RestAssured and its absence in the C# arena. We'll explore not just Bas's innovations but his comprehensive take on the evolution of API testing, spotlighting the persistent issue of superficial testing due to various industry pressures and the triumphs of more accessible tooling. We'll explore why Bas favors code-based solutions like RestAssured.Net for scaling and integration over tools like Postman regarding API testing. Furthermore, Bas will shed light on the rising interest in Playwright – a modern automation tool he believes overcomes many of the limitations of Selenium through features like auto-waiting and synchronization. We'll delve into the importance of conte