

Jesus’s earthly father Joseph was an unsung hero. Joseph displayed obedience and played a key role in God’s plan played out through Jesus. Joseph can sometimes be in the background, blending in without much notice.  After receiving dream after dream (Matthew 1:20; 2:13-14; 2:19-21; 2:22) from the Lord, Joseph had a choice to obey which he did in every instance. He chose to walk this unexpected journey with his wife Mary and their “God in the flesh” son. God was and still is more than capable of protecting us like He did the baby Jesus from being snuffed out by the enemy. He’s more than capable of protecting the Kingdom writer and the books they are called to birth into the world. May we listen to the Lord, whether in our dreams or any other means God wants to intervene in our lives. Like Joseph, we may find ourselves in a story that we never expected and wondering what the Lord has up His sleeve. And like Joseph the carpenter, we can humbly live out our lives as a different kind of carpenter where we build th
