News Report

Kerala Flood: Citizens donate 118+ crores for relief work



the defence personnel continue to support the state authorities in flood hit areas and various troops are involved in road opening, clearing the landslides an and utilising the natural resources available in the area, so far approximately 26 temporary bridges have been constructed, repaired and approximately 50 roads cleared for the general public. With the floods having left a trail of massive destruction and rehabilitation and reconstruction requiring huge financial resources, Vijayan now wants Keralites, both in the country and around the world, to exhibit their generous selves and contribute one day’s salary to the state. The issue is, while the help from all the corners of the country is flowing in from all the corners of the nation, CM Vijayan's appeal for help from the Keralites who are themselves stricken by the disaster strangely enough poses a question on his recourse to the problem at hand. Anusha Bhattacharya gives more insight
