
DailyVerseWithJairus - 2024 - 02 - 05 - Matthew20 - 19 - 20



Daily Verse With Jairus February 5th 2024. Matthew 20: 15 to 16. I'm not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me or do you begrudge my generosity so the last will be the first and the first last. I talk about this last time, the last will be first and the first last. We talk about we cannot be presumptive. Today there's another lesson we can learn. We cannot base our value system upon our own merit, our works or other's works and other's praising. We cannot be jealous. We have to base our value system on God's merit not our own merit. We all know righteousness by faith but many times we still depend on our deeds. #Bible #Jairus #Matthew #Christian #Jesus #Biblestudy #DailyVerseWithJairus #BibleStudyWithJairus