

Warren, with 48 hours since his last drink, shares his story… 12 reasons why sober is better: 1 - Look your best.   2 - Look and feel properly rested. 3 - Alcohol fixes things you didn’t notice were broken.  4 - Make the most of your time.  5 - Build better relationships.  The opposite of addiction is connection. 6 - More confidence.  You can do anything you put your mind to.  7 - Less fear! 8 - Save your money.  9 - Be more present.  10 - Avoid unnecessary disasters.  11 - Create the future you want.  12 - Improved memory SHOW NOTES   [8:20] Paul Introduces Warren.   Warren is 40 years old, from Martinsville, Virginia, and has been sober for 48 hours.  He’s married with two children.  He is the executive director of a domestic violence outreach program.  He also owns a sound company.  He enjoys fishing and camping, and the outdoors.  He thinks you shouldn’t always believe what you think.  He’s struggled with worrying about what other people think.    [12:09] Give us a bit of background about you drinking.