

Melissa, with a sobriety date of October 29, 2018, shares her story. Paul shares one of his favorite emails.  Dale from Pittsburgh says…Paul, you son of a bitch.  You have completely ruined alcohol for me. Your experience with alcohol may no longer be the same after listening to the podcast!  Don’t worry about the how…that always solves itself.  SHOW NOTES [11:00] Paul introduces Melissa.  Melissa says that sobriety is the most badass gift she has given herself.  The biggest milestone.  She is from Vancouver Canada.  She is 44 years old and has a 12-year-old son and a 1-year old rescue dog.  Melissa has been a business owner for the last 5 years.  For fun she likes to walk in the forest.  [16:20] What is something you want to try out in sobriety?  Scuba diving!       [17:30] Give us a background on your drinking. Melissa had her first drink when she was 15.  She got drunk the first time she drank and the kids at school thought she was cool.  Her parents got divorced when she was 16 and she took the roll of mo