

Sarah took her last drink on June 13, 2019.  This is her story. Update on the Alcohol is Sh!t book!  Pick up your copy on Amazon September 7, 2019!  On today’s episode Paul talks about how there is always a ‘plan B’.  Plan A…aka the way we want life to work out, the way we hoped things were going to work, actually work out 0% of the time.  Everyone has these hiccups.  The fact that you are listening to this podcast means you are already into plan B.  Most people that have a goal to move into an alcohol-free life have a plan A, which looks something like this…quit drinking and never look back.  It doesn’t matter how many plans you have because we now have hundreds of plans to chose from.  You don’t have to go out looking for your plan, schedule some down time and let the plan come to you.  SHOW NOTES   [8:33] Paul introduces Sarah.    Sarah is 44 years old and is from Vancouver, WA.  She is engaged to be married and has no kids.  Sarah is a chiropractor.  For fun Sarah loves anything that has to do with health