Recovery Elevator | Stop Drinking, Start Recovering. | Alcohol, Addiction & Life In Sobriety

RE 250: Is Sobriety all Unicorns and Rainbows?



Dee took her last drink on January 17, 2019.  This is her story. Update on the Alcohol is Sh!t book!  The book is out!  Pick up your paperback copy on Amazon here!  You can get the Audible version here! On January 1st, 2020 the 4th Café RE group will open.  There will be 2 in-person meetups in Australia this December.  If you would like more info or would like to RSVP please email  On today’s episode Paul talks about PAWS, or what he refers to as ‘healing symptoms.  You can find a YouTube video on these healing symptoms, or PAWS, here.  This period of experiencing these healing symptoms usually lasts anywhere from 3 – 6 months, but could last a little longer.  You have 2 choices.  The 1st choice is to keep drinking.  With this choice there will be a painful progression and whatever emotions and physical repercussions you’re experiencing now will only be enhanced in time.  The 2nd choice is to quit drinking and embark on the most heroic journey.  This choice gives you options, and