

Niel took his last drink on January 9th, 2020. This is his story of living alcohol free (AF).     Odette’s weekly installment of: Finding Your Better You     A few weeks ago, Odette heard a phrase that she hadn’t heard before and it struck a chord with her. It was different from the usual catch phrases that people use.   “Awkwardness is an indicator of learning”   Do we talk enough about the uncomfortable moments while on this journey? Are we allowing those moments to happen and normalizing them? When the decision to quit drinking is made, awkward moments arise, because we are feeling everything now. When we feel awkward, we feel vulnerable and feeling vulnerable makes most people want to run and hide. Odette phrases this into if/then questions to find a new path. Choosing yourself and living AF is often awkward and that’s ok! Let it feel weird until it doesn’t anymore.       [6:59] Odette introduces Niel.     Niel is 56 and lives in rural North Eastern California. He is a forester. He is married and has two