

Holly took her last drink on January 4, 2007.  This is her story of living alcohol-free (AF).     Finding Your Better You – Odette’s weekly message.   Odette and Holly met in treatment.  In 2013, they went to Montecatini together to work on their eating disorders.  Odette believed that if she could stop her obsession with food and reach a healthy weight, she would be normal.  However, she didn’t address the emotional reasons behind her eating disorder.  A few years later, she found herself using alcohol as her new coping mechanism.  The behaviors that led to her unhealthy relationship with food mirrored the behaviors of her relationship with alcohol.    Up to 35% of people who abused alcohol also have an eating disorder. This rate is 11 times greater than the general population.    For more information on these statistics, see:     The stigma for eating disorders is greater than the stigma for alcohol use disorder, so many people struggle in silence.    Odette believe