

Episode 352 – Allow the deeper you to emerge   Today we have Kendall.  He is 30, from Texas, and took his last drink on March 13, 2021.   Paul shares some personal insights on the growth of Recovery Elevator.   Highlights from Paul   Paul resumes the discussion about having a game plan for the holidays.  He reminds us that alcohol can have catastrophic effects.   A recap from last week:  1) Accountability, 2) Stock up on AF beverages, 3) Begin a new healthy practice that you enjoy.  Paul introduces three additional concepts: 1) Develop a cravings plan and get specific, 2) JOMO – find something this holiday season to say “no” to and savor the new boundary, 3) Pick your holiday theme song.    When you begin the journey in a life without alcohol, an incredible thing begins to take place.  You get to experience a transformation that allows the deeper you to emerge.  You get to know yourself, your true and authentic self, your needs, wants, desires and more. Paul encourages us to listen to the inner voice and the