

Episode 380– What is Sober?   Today we have Shrene. She is 46, from Arizona, and took her last drink on September 10, 2019   AF Photography Class for beginners will start in August.  Details to follow. AF Ukelele Course #2 starts in June.   Exact Nature: 20   Highlights from Paul   Paul talks about the word sober.  For this podcast, sober refers to alcohol, because alcohol is what got Paul behind the microphone to launch Recovery Elevator.   Paul suggests not getting too attached to any idea of what sober looks like.  It’s not about the substance, but the freedom you have from the substance.  Try not to judge others for their definition of sober, because it’s rarely black and white.  When you judge others, you judge yourself and create separation.  Defining sobriety can be a fool’s errand.   Sobriety is living authentically.  Sobriety is not being a slave, to a substance, behavior, or action.   Sobriety is living your life how you want to live, living with a connected head and hear