

Episode 383  - Clearing space   Today we have Phillip. He is 46 and took his last drink on February 28, 2019.   Exact Nature: 20   Bozeman Retreat: Early Recovery Podcast Guests:  email   Highlights from Paul   It's hard to visualize a sober life when you are still drinking because your body is using every drop of energy to get rid of the poison that is alcohol from your body. Paul suggests once you ditch the booze, sit back and be the observer to watch your life unfold and resist the urge to control everything. In his eighth year of sobriety, Paul bought a home in Costa Rica, a longtime dream. After quitting, his life became a blank canvas, and now he is exploring his love for nature in his new home – which would not have been possible if he was still drinking. Paul feels connected to his inner child and is grateful for his life today.   In chapter 4, Paul wants to showcase listeners' talents. Feel free to send an