

Episode 384  - The path of least resistance   Today we have Matt. He is 40, from Edmonton, Canada, and took his last drink on April 8, 2019.   Exact Nature: 20   Café RE Chats:   Highlights from Paul   Sobriety is the path of least resistance. Moderation was miserable, and drinking is killing me. Paul describes his own experiences with moderation and points out that with moderation, you continue to have decision fatigue and only moderately heal.    Moderation is often a step along the journey toward ditching the booze.   The path of least resistance means – you won't get a DUI or be sent home from work because you smell like booze. Your sleep improves, your liver health improves along with your connections and relationships, and you enjoy more fun (and skittles).    Better Help: - 10% off your first month                                                                               [13:06]  Matt has been sober for