Recovery Elevator | Stop Drinking, Start Recovering. | Alcohol, Addiction & Life In Sobriety

RE 386: The One Mistake People Make When Quitting Drinking



Episode 386  - The One Mistake People Make When Quitting Drinking   Today we have Shad.   He is 46, from Indiana, and took his last drink on March 19, 2021.       Café RE Open House Chat: July 16, 2016, at 12 ET. Join Zoom: pwd=NlJyaFdtZ0RBYnhMaytxbkdRU2tMdz09 Meeting ID: 830 5711 1516 Passcode: recovery   Exact Nature: 20   Highlights from Paul   Don’t quit drinking without learning coping strategies, understanding why you drink in the first place, and get some tools for your recovery toolbox. Don’t sell yourself short on how rich your life can be without alcohol. Say yes, to as many recovery opportunities as you can. Books, podcasts, quit lit, retreats, spiritual teachers, music, chats, meetings. Some of it is work. These investments of time into yourself will pay HUGE in the future. A whole new world awaits you after the bottle.   Better Help: - 10% off your first month. #sponsored