

Episode 411 – The Grateful Alcoholic   Today we have Lisa who is 65 from Atlanta, GA took her last drink on 11/17/2022.   Whether you are on day 1 or day 1000, there is still time to join REStore. The next class is tonight at 8:30pm EST   There are still spots open for our next sober travel trip to Costa Rica from April 12th-21st for more information click the link Costa Rica 2023   Highlights from Paul:   Paul didn’t understand a fellow AA member’s references to being a “grateful alcoholic”.  Only after getting to know Jim, did he understand what they meant. It took a few years for Paul to get to that point to be grateful for his addiction.    He reflects that our addictions are signposts trying to guide us to a more authentic life and that there are no such things as failures. They are learning opportunities and we should never give up.  We should trust the process of healing from the addictions, and we can all become grateful for the role that alcohol has played in our lives.   Better Help: www.betterhelp.