

Episode 439 – Developing a Spiritual Practice   Today we have Liz, she’s 38 from LaVale, MD and took her last drink on December 31st, 2022.   Thank you to the Café RE chat host, you all do an incredible job!   Athletic Greens   [02:22] Highlights from Paul:   This is not a religious podcast. Paul feels that religion and spirituality are not two sides of the same coin.   When we drink alcohol, spiritually, our electrical current to the universe is severed. In fact, in many cultures, the name alcohol literally means, soul sucking spirit. Then mentally, the chemical alcohol turns our brains into tepid soup. After that, we have the physical component - pancreatitis and liver failure come to mind.   What is spirituality? What is a spiritual practice? We are connecting with the self. We are connecting within. You become more ocean and less wave. In short, spirituality is connection with the self, which then leads to a connection with nature, the universe, a higher power, and some may call it God. Why do w