
Delete Your Account



Basecamp the app is over 15 years old, which means Basecamp the company is responsible for safeguarding more than a decade's worth of customer data—including 370 terabytes of data stored in non-active accounts. In this episode, Basecamp data analyst Jane Yang talks about a big, ongoing project at the company to clean up those inactive accounts and give former customers what we all deserve: the right to be forgotten on the Internet. Two Basecamp alums also return to share the history of the company's data incineration protocol.Show NotesJamis Buck on Twitter - 2:05Jason Fried's tribute to Jamis - 2:22Eileen Uchitelle's website | Twitter - 3:15the tweet by @FiloSottile about data being uranium, not gold - 7:04our episode about the credential stuffing attack - 13:04blog post explaining how Basecamp notified customers about the credential stuffing - 13:32Basecamp's cancellation policy - 21:46Basecamp Personal - 21:53Tom Anderson from MySpace is on Instagram now and his profile photo shoul