Influence Ecology

Loyalty Shouldn’t Kill You with John Patterson



Today’s guest is Influential U CEO and Co-founder John Patterson. You’ve heard him on this podcast since 2016, but somehow, we’ve never gotten to listen to him tell his story. In 2005, John was having an existential crisis, and his job, relationship, and life were simply not working for him, so he needed a change. At this time, John had already been long-time friends with Kirkland Tibbels, Influential U’s other Co-Founder, and through hundreds of hours of conversations with Kirkland, John was able to discover that he was being loyal at all costs. In other words, John was more committed to people and ideologies than he was to taking care of himself. Soon after, he ended his relationship, lost 70 pounds, earned a sizeable 6-figure income, and would eventually found Influential U along with Kirkland. Now John has thirty years of experience focused on personal, business, and management effectiveness and performance and has facilitated training for tens of thousands of people internationally. Each week the Influen