The Art Of Catholic With Matthew Leonard

018: The Bible & the Church Fathers (Part 2)



Do you believe in the Trinity? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is both all God and all man at the same time - consubstantial with the Father? Do you believe the Bible is the Word of God? Most of you are nodding your internal head, saying "Yes, Matt, of course we do." These are issues most Christians take for granted. We believe them because they are fundamental to our faith. We believe them because they are what have been taught to us, handed down from generation to generation. But why? The quick answer is very simple: Because of Christ. He founded the Catholic Church and gave the Apostles authority. But then what? Acts 1:20 tells us: "His office let another take." In other words, their authority was passed on. And many to whom they passed the torch were the men who, through the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit, formulated many of the doctrines and beliefs we now take for granted. The belief system of Christianity didn't drop down out of the sky in a catechism. The truth that existed in its fullness in