Boss Girl Creative Podcast | A Podcast For Female Creative Entrepreneurs




BGC ANNOUNCEMENTS * Welcome to the 18th episode of the Boss Girl Creative Podcast!! Today I'm interviewing Helene Sula! * Have comments or questions? Tweet/IG using the hashtag #BOSSGIRLQA or call in: (707) BOSS-GIRL * Have you seen the BGC Intensive?? * Support Boss Girl Creative endeavors by joining the BGC Crew! * Join me on Periscope (@pnkheelspnktrk) on Wednesday nights at 9pm CST for a live Q&A answer session!! Send me your questions through email, phone or #BOSSGIRLQA on Twitter/Instagram * Want a direct link to the podcast feed? Click here. * Use these Hashtags on Social Media: #bossgirlcreative #bossgirlQA INSIDE THIS EPISODE * Growing your voice * Being authentic * Creative Spark * Launching a product * You are worth it * There's room for everyone QUOTES BY TAYLOR "It's just not rainbows and roses all the time. And I think the more authentic you can be on your blog and your social media platforms, that's what drives readers to keep coming back." Taylor Bradford "Because you are worth so much mor