Beat Your Genes: An Evolutionary Psychology Podcast For Finding Happiness In The Modern World

225: AGE's,Evolution & diet, Self-esteem during recovery, Finding YOUR coalition



In today's show, the doctors discuss: 1. Looking at a list of the foods with the most AGEs in them (fried or high temperature cooked high-protein/fat/sugar foods), it almost seems as if humans can in fact taste AGEs specifically. Why should the products of cooked fats and protein, especially in combination with each other and sugar, taste so much better to humans than those same products mildly cooked or uncooked. 2.I understand that adopting a WFPB diet is a way of "beating our genes" that haven't caught up to our hyper-stimulated modern environment. If we were to continue forward without adopting the diet, wouldn't our genes eventually catch up? 3. I teach WFPB nutrition to women in recovery. The program teaches self-esteem based on the work of Nathaniel Branden and they have merged this approach with nutrition.  There are always some women who are completely closed to the concepts, but I focus on those who are curious.  My question is around the self-esteem content and the best way to integrate the two top