Beat Your Genes: An Evolutionary Psychology Podcast For Finding Happiness In The Modern World

238:Calorie budget,Baby v Adult talk,Russian women,Heritability,Corporate jargon



1. I have been a proponent of wholesome eating as the guarantee of good health and optimal weight. The approach has worked great for me, but I am still curious to know if eating high caloric density foods – but within strict daily caloric “budget” – is detrimental to one’s health? I have no cravings or addictions of any sort, it is almost an “academic” question mostly concerning socially inflicted foods like BBQ, wine, cheese, etc. 2. My girlfriend often slips into baby talk — and it grates on my nerves, but I don’t know how to stop it.  Any suggestions? 3.  I’m wondering, why we’re having so many beautiful women in Russia, but much less of handsome men. Is there any explanation? 4.Plomin states that the heritablity of weight is 70%.    Is this statistic a byproduct of our modern food environment and therefore an explanation of the obesity problem?  How would the heritability of weight differ in a stone-age environment?    How would it differ if we measured a cohort from Chef AJ's group?   That word heritabil