Beat Your Genes: An Evolutionary Psychology Podcast For Finding Happiness In The Modern World

268: Evo Psych Diet, Retiring Early, Stressed in the Stone Age, Covid Tantrums



In today's episode, Dr. Lisle and Dr. Howk discuss:  1. My question is about how evolutionary psychologists can interpret the species-specific human diet differently. Dr. Lisle supports a plant-based, starch-heavy diet. Meanwhile, Dr. Geoffrey Miller supports a paleo diet (heavy in meat and greens). It seems clear that the majority of calories were gathered, not hunted, which lends weight to the plant-based, starch-heavy type of diet being the standard human diet and the correct one to follow. How can researchers have such different interpretations of human diet? 2. I would love to get the doctors' take on the FIRE movement (Financial Independence Retire Early). Is it just another example of the enlightenment trap? I read "Your Money or Your Life" in my mid-twenties and since then have been saving approximately half of my income. I now have enough to "frugal retire" if I want to. But now I don't have a goal to work towards. I've always wanted to travel and learn foreign languages; so I'm doing that. But I kno