

Habakkuk was a prophet who had some complaints to air out to God. He wasn’t happy with the way his fellow Jewish people were living and he let the Lord know. The Lord replies to this minor prophet by telling him He indeed had a plan for His people and He would use the cruel Babylonians to accomplish His purposes.  Now Habakkuk has several questions regarding God’s method of discipline. After asking his series of questions, we read these words, “I will climb up to my watchtower and stand at my guardpost. There I will wait to see what the Lord says and how he will answer my complaint.” (Habakkuk 2:1 NLT) We all have complaints and questions as we journey through life. Habakkuk gives us an invitation to go back and forth with God to see what He’s up to in the world. But like Habakkuk, we must also be prepared to wait patiently for the Lord’s reply. In the end, like this prophet, we will find ourselves amazed and ready to fall to our faces in worship before this God who knows what He’s doing. The Power of Having
