Regular reports on issues important to corn growers and the consuming public.
Field Notes Finds Out What Farmers Do After Harvest - Part 1 - Brian Scott
26/10/2012 Duração: 05minField Notes caught up with Brian Scott, an Indiana farmer who recently completed his corn harvest.
Field Notes Finds Out What Farmers Do After Harvest - Part 2 - Donna Jeschke
26/10/2012 Duração: 05minField Notes spoke to Donna Jeschke, who farms just south of Chicago, Illinois.
Field Notes Finds Out What Farmers Do After Harvest - Part 3 - Sam Hancock
26/10/2012 Duração: 05minField Notes visits with Sam Hancock, who farms in Kentucky.
Off the Cob Looks at Issues in 2013 with New Corn Board Member Kevin Skunes
18/10/2012 Duração: 05minWith the new fiscal year underway, Off the Cob had a chance to sit down with new FY 2013 National Corn Growers Association Corn Board Member Kevin Skunes.
Field Notes Catches Up with Indiana Farmer in the Combine
12/10/2012 Duração: 05minField Notes caught up with Brian Scott, an Indiana farmer who was combining corn at the time.
Field Notes Talks Technology, Sustainability with Missouri Farmer
09/10/2012 Duração: 05minField Notes caught up with Billy Thiel, a Missouri farmer currently completing his soybean harvest. With his corn crop already harvested, Thiel has begun working the soil to prepare for next year.
Field Notes Catches Up with Farmers in the Heartland - Part 1 Brian Scott
04/10/2012 Duração: 05minField Notes Catches up with Brian Scott an Indiana farmer who advocates for agriculture through social media in part 1.
Field Notes Catches Up with Farmers in the Heartland - Part 2 Don Rutledge
04/10/2012 Duração: 05minField Notes also spoke with Don Rutledge, who farms and ranches near Yuma, Colo. in part 2.
Saying Good-Bye, Schott Retires from Corn Board Following Years of Distinguished Service
02/10/2012 Duração: 05minBart Schott with Off the Cob to discuss the Corn Board’s accomplishments, to reflect on what he learned through his experiences and to ask his advice for farmers considering leadership roles.
Johnson Enters 2013 Facing Challenges with Determination, Purpose
01/10/2012 Duração: 05minOff the Cob spoke with Pam Johnson, NCGA president to explore her views on what lies ahead for corn farmers in 2013.
As Fiscal Year Closes, Niemeyer Offers Insight into Leadership, Future for Farmers
28/09/2012 Duração: 05minOn Off the Cob: Reflecting upon his time as president of the Corn Board, Niemeyer explained that 2012 was a challenging year.
While 2013 Holds Challenges, Barbre Feels Board Is Prepared, Excited to Serve
27/09/2012 Duração: 05minOn Off the Cob: Elected by the Corn Board to serve as First Vice President in 2013, Martin Barbre, a farmer from Carmi, Ill., has been extensively involved in NCGA leadership for years now.
When You Look Around the Room for a Leader, Look in the Mirror Instead
26/09/2012 Duração: 05minKeith Alverson, a farmer from Chester, S.D., reelected to the board, discusses the multiple challenges facing American agriculture - listen now to Off the Cob
In 2013, Expect the Unexpected
25/09/2012 Duração: 05minMike Geske, a farmer from Matthews, Mo., reelected to the board, the breadth and depth of the issues NCGA addresses play a role in the organization’s importance while simultaneously presenting challenges - listen now to Off the Cob
Field Notes Gets Perspective on Corn, Cattle in Colorado
21/09/2012 Duração: 05minField Notes caught up with Don Rutledge, a farmer and rancher who grows corn and raises cattle...
Gerstacker Reflects on Service, Sees Room for Continued Growth
17/09/2012 Duração: 05minOff the Cob takes a moment to visit with Corn Board member Clark Gerstacker, who will retire from Corn Board service this October,
Field Notes Catches Up in with Farmers in the Heartland Part 3-Donna Jeschke
14/09/2012 Duração: 05minField Notes spoke with Donna Jeschke, who farms an hour south of Chicago.
Field Notes Catches Up in with Farmers in the Heartland Part 2-Billy Thiel
14/09/2012 Duração: 05minField Notes caught up with Billy Thiel, a Missouri farmer expecting to complete his corn harvest today.
Field Notes Catches Up in with Farmers in the Heartland Part 1-Brian Scott
14/09/2012 Duração: 05minField Notes caught up with Brian Scott, an Indiana farmer and agvocate blogger.
Field Notes Catches Up in Indiana, Kentucky, August 31-Part 1 Brian Scott
31/08/2012 Duração: 05minField Notes caught up with Brian Scott, an Indiana farmer and agvocate blogger.