Project Tenacity

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 61:21:09
  • Mais informações



A podcast channel dedicated to sharing professional life and industry information to help ethnic Chinese navigate North American business landscape.


  • #34 產品策略經理 (上) | 葉子川 | 數據,邏輯,問題,策略。

    17/08/2019 Duração: 36min

    第二季的第七集請到了葉子川。子川來到加拿大之前曾在出行巨擘「滴滴出行」工作,正式的名稱為策略產品經理。在工作的期間,他經歷了出行行業,也有人稱為叫車服務,競爭最為激烈的時期。期間,他作為一個策略產品經理參與了2015 年和「快滴」以及 2016 年和 UBER 的決戰時刻。在節目中,他也大方分享了作為一個策略產品經理在高強度競爭環境裡博弈的思維模式,並且如何將這樣的思考模式應用到各個產業當中。 想知道滴滴出行和快滴以及優步的決戰時刻嗎?他怎麼系統性地去處理高度複雜的情況呢?我們有如何能夠練習這樣的思考模式呢?我們在節目裡都有聊到。

  • #33 電影導演 | 黃朝亮 | 「我很痛恨小確幸。」

    10/08/2019 Duração: 22min

    第二季的第六集請到了電影導演,黃朝亮先生.他從財經記者的工作先是轉跳到了電視台當編導和製作人。因為偶然的機遇,讓他在 2009 年拾起了電影導演的工作。從 2009 年首映的夏天協奏曲開始,他已經執導了超過十部電影。其中包括了由知名主持人豬哥亮主演的「大尾鱸鰻」和「大囍臨門」以及 2018 年萬眾矚目的電影:「寒單」。對熟悉黃朝亮導演的聽眾朋友們來說可能不意外,導演總是保持了他的初衷,透過電影作品,來傳遞台灣鄉里的文化。 但是外表溫文儒雅的他,為什麼會這麼痛恨小確幸呢?而從業長達十年之久的他,又怎麼看待台灣年輕人追求夢想的困境呢? 寒單:  多倫多台灣影展: 

  • #32 演員 | 鄭人碩 | 「堅持己念,身段柔軟,將心比心。」

    03/08/2019 Duração: 15min

    第二季的第五集請到了演員,鄭人碩先生.他在拜了虞戡平導演和張作驥導演為師之後 進入了劇組工作 2015年以電影「醉·生夢死」獲得了第十七屆台北電影獎最佳男配角獎,以及入圍第52屆金馬獎最佳男配角。2017年以「川流之島」獲得西寧FIRST青年電影展,最佳男主角獎,2018年更以電影「角頭2:王者再起」林玉慶這個腳色,獲得第20屆台北電影獎最佳男配角獎,並入圍第55屆金馬獎最佳男配角獎。 但鮮為人知的是他長達八年從優渥的生活到家到中落、拾荒、做回收的過程。而這一段艱苦的經歷又如何成為了他演藝之路的養分。同時,在節目裡它也分享了給年輕人的十二字建議,可以說是字字珠璣。雖然只有十分鐘的專訪時間,但節目有幸深入了解鄭人碩對於演藝事業的態度。本期節目真的適合大家一聽再聽。 寒單:  角頭2:  紅衣小女孩外傳: 人面魚:  多倫多台灣影展: 

  • #31 Just Like Hero 創始人 <下> | Tom Chiu | 客戶會喜歡你的原因是因為你幫他省時間

    27/07/2019 Duração: 25min

     第二季的第四集請到了 Tom.他在加拿大多倫多地區經營一間服飾批發商 Just Like Hero.在今年的第一季就已經做到百萬的業績.曾經,他滿懷夢想,希望能在流行服飾領域裡佔有一席之地.但在虧損接近10萬美金之後不得不面對這其中的困難.節目中他大方的分享了如何從原本的服飾潮牌,轉而成為批發商的歷程,以及其中所經歷的痛苦和經驗。這一集絕對會是在傳統產業裡經營的你不想錯過的一集。 Apple Podcasts: Spotify: We invited Tom Chiu, who is the founder CEO of a clothing wholesaler, Just Like Hero. When he started three years ago, he had a dream to start a clothing brand.  However, he had to pivot towards a wholesaler business model as he had lost almost 100 thousand US dollars at one point. His experience and insights to starting a business and the timing to pivot will be invaluable to those working in traditional clothing industry.  Just Like Hero: 富爸爸窮爸爸:

  • #30 Just Like Hero 創始人 <上> | Tom Chiu | 客戶會喜歡你的原因是因為你幫他省時間

    27/07/2019 Duração: 21min

    第二季的第四集請到了 Tom.他在加拿大多倫多地區經營一間服飾批發商 Just Like Hero.在今年的第一季就已經做到百萬的業績.曾經,他滿懷夢想,希望能在流行服飾領域裡佔有一席之地.但在虧損接近10萬美金之後不得不面對這其中的困難.節目中他大方的分享了如何從原本的服飾潮牌,轉而成為批發商的歷程,以及其中所經歷的痛苦和經驗。這一集絕對會是在傳統產業裡經營的你不想錯過的一集。 Apple Podcasts: Spotify: We invited Tom Chiu, who is the founder CEO of a clothing wholesaler, Just Like Hero. When he started three years ago, he had a dream to start a clothing brand.  However, he had to pivot towards a wholesaler business model as he had lost almost 100 thousand US dollars at one point. His experience and insights to starting a business and the timing to pivot will be invaluable to those working in traditional clothing industry.  Just Like Hero: 富爸爸窮爸爸:

  • #29 新媒體營銷資深經理 <下> | Jeanne Jin | 聲音和客製化廣告將會開闢全新的廣告戰線

    20/07/2019 Duração: 24min

     第二季的第三集請到了 Jeanne.他目前在加拿大的 Loblaws 集團旗下的 Shoppers Drug Mart 擔任 Digital Marketing Senior Manager 一職.節目中 Jeanne 分享了他在 McCann 和 Wunderman 這些大型廣告公司的經歷和給有意進入 Marketing 營銷領域的年輕朋友們一些建議.未來廣告的趨勢和前景會是什麼樣子? Marketing 營銷工作到底又需要什麼樣的特質呢?相信這期節目會對所有商科和營銷背景的朋友們帶來很多新想法. We invited Jeanne Jin, who currently works as a Digital Marketing Senior Manager at Shoppers Drug Mart. She started her marketing journey in two of the most prestigious Marketing agencies at McCann and Wunderman before moving to Shoppers Drug Mart. She passionately shared her experience in job interviews and insights to new advertising areas in future marketing realm. Think with Google:

  • #28 新媒體營銷資深經理 <上> | Jeanne Jin | 聲音和客製化廣告將會開闢全新的廣告戰線

    20/07/2019 Duração: 22min

    第二季的第三集請到了 Jeanne.他目前在加拿大的 Loblaws 集團旗下的 Shoppers Drug Mart 擔任 Digital Marketing Senior Manager 一職.節目中 Jeanne 分享了他在 McCann 和 Wunderman 這些大型廣告公司的經歷和給有意進入 Marketing 營銷領域的年輕朋友們一些建議.未來廣告的趨勢和前景會是什麼樣子? Marketing 營銷工作到底又需要什麼樣的特質呢?相信這期節目會對所有商科和營銷背景的朋友們帶來很多新想法. We invited Jeanne Jin, who currently works as a Digital Marketing Senior Manager at Shoppers Drug Mart. She started her marketing journey in two of the most prestigious Marketing agencies at McCann and Wunderman before moving to Shoppers Drug Mart. She passionately shared her experience in job interviews and insights to new advertising areas in future marketing realm.   Think with Google:

  • #27 財務會計主管 <下> | Rebecca Yang | 四大會計師事務所的高中實習生

    06/07/2019 Duração: 25min

     第二季的第二集請到了 Rebecca!他曾在高中時期就成功進入 PwC實習,也幫助他開啟了他成為註冊會計師 (CPA) 的職業生涯。在節目中,他大方地分享了選擇大學和選擇職業的思路,也分享了他在工作期間 PwC 的審計部門構成。究竟商科和會計學生首選的的財務審計工作的每日工作到底是什麼樣子呢?在財務審計的職業生涯中,又有什麼樣的選項呢?又應該怎麼衡量新的工作機會到底跟自己合不合適呢?這期節目對商科、會計學生和會計相關從業者會有很多的啟發。  We’ve invited Rebecca Yang, who is currently working as an External Reporting and Accounting Policy Manager at Ontario Power Generation. She started as a PwC intern as a high school student through cold-calling. She kindly shared her insights in choosing a college and career path. If you aspire to work in a Big-4 accounting firm or pursue an accounting career, you will want to listen in to this episode!

  • #26 財務會計主管 <上> | Rebecca Yang | 四大會計師事務所的高中實習生

    06/07/2019 Duração: 30min

    第二季的第二集請到了 Rebecca!他曾在高中時期就成功進入 PwC實習,也幫助他開啟了他成為註冊會計師 (CPA) 的職業生涯。在節目中,他大方地分享了選擇大學和選擇職業的思路,也分享了他在工作期間 PwC 的審計部門構成。究竟商科和會計學生首選的的財務審計工作的每日工作到底是什麼樣子呢?在財務審計的職業生涯中,又有什麼樣的選項呢?又應該怎麼衡量新的工作機會到底跟自己合不合適呢?這期節目對商科、會計學生和會計相關從業者會有很多的啟發。    We’ve invited Rebecca Yang, who is currently working as an External Reporting and Accounting Policy Manager at Ontario Power Generation. She started as a PwC intern as a high school student through cold-calling. She kindly shared her insights in choosing a college and career path. If you aspire to work in a Big-4 accounting firm or pursue an accounting career, you will want to listen in to this episode!

  • #25 博恩夜夜秀主持人 & 薩泰爾娛樂 CTO | 曾博恩 |「在喜劇裡,唯一的贏家只有觀眾。」

    29/06/2019 Duração: 26min

     欸!是博恩! 第二季的第一集請到了當紅人物,「博恩夜夜秀」的主持人,曾博恩。相信聽眾朋友們對他早已不陌生,博恩夜夜秀在 Youtube 上累計得觀看次數已經超越 6 千 400 萬人。年齡29的博恩,在台灣大學取得了應用外文和心理系的雙主修學士學位,也分別在倫敦大學學院以及巴黎第六大學,分別取得腦與心智科學和整合生物研究兩項碩士學位。節目裡聊到了博恩接觸美式單口喜劇的契機、職業生涯的轉捩點和對台灣美式喜劇領域的感悟。 感謝 Rock the Spot 的協調促成這次的 Podcast 訪談。 We’ve invited Brain Tseng, who is currently the host of the most popular late night talk-show in Taiwan. His channel, STR Network, has accumulated over 64 million views and 50 thousand followers on Youtube. The Night Night Show is the first to bring North American comedy style to Taiwan and Chinese-speaking Asian community. We had 20 minutes for the podcast to visit topics ranging from Brian’s journey as a stand-up comedian and his thoughts on the current state of the comedy community in Taiwan.   薩泰爾娛樂 & 博恩夜夜秀: Rock the Spot: 博恩 @ Ted Talk Taipei: Rock the Spot:

  • #24 第二季開跑 | Season 2 Briefing | Podcast 節目任務、內容、形式、推廣和一些個人感想

    22/06/2019 Duração: 09min

    Project Tenacity 第二季開跑拉,節目有了明確的目標和任務。內容和形式不會有太大的變化,但會更多的研究推廣的策略和方法。各位聽眾有空的話,也請幫忙分享節目出去喔!謝謝大家的支持和愛護。另外第二季第一集的來賓是個網路大人物!先賣個關子,下周就揭曉囉! 另外,影片以後只會在 Facebook 上面發佈,在 Youtube 上收聽的朋友們請轉移陣地囉! Thank you all for the time spent on the podcast and support in season 1. We are now transitioning to season 2 as we’ve identified the podcast mission and explored different podcast formats. The podcast will not incur significant changes in season 2, but we are now looking for new ways to manage distribution and marketing. If you stumbled across, please like and share our content! Thank you! Further, all future videos will be published on our Facebook page.   

  • #23 房產策略行銷 | Tracy Hsu | 「你得先學會把你自己賣出去。」

    15/06/2019 Duração: 53min

    Tracy 目前在 H&W Developments 擔任策略行銷總監。從擔任 UTSC 台灣學生會的會長開始,總是積極的接下額外的任務和工作。但這些經驗卻也為他開啟了轉職以及快速升遷的職業生涯。這次的訪談聊到了 Tracy 從學生會長到職場的心路歷程、宗教信仰、行銷策略、和時間安排的技巧。這一期的意義非凡,除了內容非常非常的精彩,也被特意安排成為 Project Tenacity 第一季的最後一集。希望聽眾們會喜歡。   「很多時候你會覺得給予和付出很吃虧,但其實你收穫得更多。」  We invited Tracy, who is working at H&W Developments, to share her journey as a Marketing Coordinator. In this episode, our topics ran from her journey from the President of UTSC Rocsaut, her faith, marketing strategy, and time management tactics. This is a huge episode for all those who are currently university students and those who aspire to move into marketing roles. This episode will be the last episode of the first season. The second season will launch soon.   Building a Brand Story: FOLCC 生命泉靈糧教會: 好毛 Production: 

  • #22 Perspective Series(PS): 正義: 一場思辨之旅

    09/06/2019 Duração: 07min

     「思考『正義』,才能促使我們思考最好的生活方式。」 這一期介紹的書 「 正義: 一場思辨之旅」用了很多廣受爭議的主題來帶出歷史上著名的哲學家及其理論。這本書也在在全球造成了轟動。我們極力推薦所有聽眾至少看一次教授在 Youtube 上的免費公開課程。 作者:Michael J. Sandel 博客來: 天貓: Youtube 公開課: ### Project Tenacity: Perspective Series 是一個在我們正式採訪類 podcast 之間的小單元。在這一個單元中,我們會介紹各式各樣有趣的書籍,影片,或是其他形式的內容給聽眾。這一個單元將會記錄我們的學習過程。與其說是教導,不如說是分享最近帶給我們一些啟發的內容。如果你對今天介紹的內容有興趣,所有連結都會放在Podcast 的明細當中。

  • #21 Service Excellence | 「在合理的範圍內,我會希望為客戶提供更多的價值。」

    02/06/2019 Duração: 52min

    Kevin 目前在 Benchmark Signature Realty 擔任房屋仲介。他對於工作的態度是以十年、二十年長期投入作為衡量標準的。透過長期在業內的經驗,他為客人提供的價值已經遠遠超過作為一個房屋仲介該有的職責。在訪談中他也分享了對於人脈經營抱持的態度。如果你計畫進入服務業或成為房仲,他的心得會對你有所啟發。 We invited Kevin, who is working at Benchmark Signature Realty, to share his journey as a real estate broker. In this episode, he also shared his insight on how to provide more value to customers to achieve service excellence and how to network to sustain long term profitability. If you are looking to be a real estate broker or any role in the service industry, you will want to hear his insight.

  • Music Education w/ Yamaha Music Teacher

    26/05/2019 Duração: 28min

    Ruby 從小學琴,在上大學之前已經考取最高級別的 RCM 證書 (The Royal Conservatory of Music 教師執照) 。上了大學之後,雖然選取了商學院,卻一直保持著對音樂的熱忱。目前在Yamaha Canada 除了擔任學齡前孩子(二到十歲)的團體班老師,也同時兼任了教師訓練的諮詢工作。觀察他在每周六的忙碌程度就能知道他對於音樂教學極有心得。如果你對於音樂教學或者藝術教學的工作有興趣,他的心得或許會對你有啟發。 We invited Ruby, who has worked at Yamaha Canada for 3 years, to share her experience as a piano teacher. Although she had completed the commerce program at Queens University, she had never given up her passion for music. She is currently working as a music teacher of group lessons for kids ranging from 2 to 10 years old. If you are also considering music or art education as your career, this is the episode you don’t want to miss.   Toronto Symphony Orchestra: What Makes it Great: Note: this program has ended for calendar year 2018, please stay tuned for 2019. Follow us! Facebook:

  • Project Tenacity in Asia: Re-education

    18/05/2019 Duração: 54min

    Win Lin (林嘉宏) 從高中開始至今已在補教行業經營了10年的時間。旗下的金品教育更是台灣補教界獨樹一格。教課期間年薪曾高達300萬新臺幣。身為一個大學肄業的年輕人,他的企圖心和執行力在我的同溫層當中相當少見。透過不段爭取各種機會,終於慢慢轉型到至一直嚮往的諮詢領域。如果你還找不到人生方向的話,聽一聽他精彩的經歷肯定能為你帶來一些啟發。 We invited Win, who has been in supplemental education for over 10 years, to share his transition from a teacher to an executive consultant. At one point, he had made more than 3 million TWD/a year as a teacher without a bachelor's degree. He is now transitioned into an executive consultant role. If you are still unsure of your goals in life, his journey should provide you with some inspiration and thoughts.   Win Lin Facebook profile: Win’s Talk: 翻轉人生的十個態度: Harvard Business Review: 哈佛商業評論: Re-think重新思考: Follow us! Project Tenacity: 

  • Perspective Series(PS): 10% Happier

    11/05/2019 Duração: 08min

    這期推薦的書 10% Happier 記錄了作者 Dan Harris 如何從對冥想強烈的質疑而後欣然接受的過程.書裡不只梳理了很多大眾對冥想的偏見,也提供了很多冥想的方法與技巧. Author: Dan Harris, ABC News Anchor @Amazon: ### Project Tenacity: Perspective Series 是一個在我們正式採訪類 podcast 之間的小單元。 在這一個單元中,我們會介紹各式各樣有趣的書籍,影片,或是其他形式的內容給聽眾。 這一個單元將會記錄我們的學習過程。與其說是教導,不如說是分享最近帶給我們的一些啟發或知識,聽眾朋友們有時間時也可以和我們一起學習、一起分享。

  • Path to Content Creation w/ Youtuber ASMR Her

    05/05/2019 Duração: 59min

    Kelly 放棄了與頂尖廣告公司 Zulu Alpha Kilo 續約的機會,下定決心往創造 ASMR 的內容努力。他的頻道 ASMR Her 在短時間內已累積了超過 100 部作品和 2500 名的訂閱人數。ASMR 的全名為 Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response 。 近年學術界對 ASMR 的研究正穩定增加。雖然目前還未有完整的實驗數據作證 ASMR 的效用,但在媒體平台上超越百萬點擊率的內容已證明其受歡迎的程度。Kelly 在節目中也大方了分享經營 YouTube 頻道的技巧。對於想成為 Content Creator 的聽眾們,這一集的內容會對你有所幫助。 We invited Kelly, who is currently an ASMR YouTuber, to share her journey of transitioning from a marketing practitioner in one of the most influential agencies, Zulu Alpha Kilo, to an ASMR YouTuber. She also shared her insights to operate effectively as a content creator in the podcast. Her channel can be found on major platforms with the alias “ASMR Her”. Within six months, she has produced more than 100 pieces of contents and has over 2500 subscribers on YouTube alone. If you are launching into the influencer or content producer market, you should listen to this episode. @ ASMR Her: @Project Tenacity:

  • Perspective Series(PS): 蔡康永的情商課: 為你自己活一次

    28/04/2019 Duração: 08min

     「 要做好一個人,當然要能夠辨認當下的自己,正處在什麼樣的情緒,從而漸漸了解自己,然後一步一步的,具備安放情緒的能力.這就是情商. 」  這一期介紹的書 「 蔡康永的情商課: 為你自己活一次」  用輕鬆的方式教導了我們如何有效地處理情緒來有效的達到我們的目標. 作者:蔡康永 @ 博客來: @天貓: ### Project Tenacity: Perspective Series is a series of inter-episodes between our interviews. In this series, we will be sharing some of the interesting things we found. It could be interesting quotes, books, or YouTube videos. We certainly hope this series will share something fun for you to explore over the weekends and perhaps help you on your journey, professionally and personally.  We don’t plan to deploy extensive marketing materials for the series and the podcast. This is just a project we put together for fun while hoping to help some of you out there navigating in the business landscape. That said, we will certainly be very grateful for all of you beautiful people who share our podcast with your friends and family! 

  • Tech Start-up w/ YourTable CEO and COO

    21/04/2019 Duração: 27min

    Peter and Yvonne 科技新創的紅海中拼搏,從2018 年初遭遇了種種創業的困難才走到今天。他們的網站 YourTable 將在今年的6月正式上線。這期節目中聊到了Peter 作為一位基督徒對信仰的感激,也聊到了他們給予有創業想法的年輕人的意見。想創業的你絕對不能錯過這一期節目! We invited Peter and Yvonne, who are the co-founders of foodie meetup web-app “YourTable” to this episode to discuss their aspiration of entrepreneurship in the food and technology industry. Peter also mentioned how Jesus Christ had a substantial influence throughout the journey. "I could only give thanks to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,” he said. If you are looking to bootstrap with a couple of friends to begin a startup, this is the episode you should listen! Follow them @ Books Referenced: #The Lean Start-up: #Zero to One: #The Hard Thing about Hard Things: #Start with a Why: #How to Win Friends and Influence People:

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