Askdeveloper Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 129:53:05
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Weekly Podcast discussing the Egyptian IT industry, and various other technology related topics ,


  • Ask Developer Podcast - 54 - Interview with Ahmed Essam - الرحلة من إمبابة إلى وادي السيليكون

    16/09/2018 Duração: 01h40min

    حوار شيق مع المهندس احمد عصام و رحلته في مجال التكنولوجيا و البرمجيات من البداية في القاهرة مرورا بمراحل مختلفة في اوروبا و الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية و حتى المرحلة الحالية من العمل في شركة Apple • What defines ethical? -- * • Failing and realizing why it happened. • Respect your own capabilities with consideration of (is it hard enough?) • What do you do at work? • You as a brand, what message do you want to deliver? "What you do is perceived as who you are" • Dare to disrupt your life, When nothing is happening for while it is important to look on what have you done for the next step, what you are doing and the next months is basically the present (it is planned and determined and probably the outcome of it is known) • The need to explore other areas to empower the current moment. • Are you ready to answer all questions in a meeting? • Do you intentionally mislead people with subtle language/words? • Starting a startup and how much I wasn't ready for it, how bad I treated people and how much ef

  • EP53 - AskDeveloper Podcast - Privacy and GDPR

    03/04/2018 Duração: 01h09min

    General Data Protection Regulation Following the Data Protection Directive of 1995 ePrivacy Directive of 2002 (cookie law) Articles General Data Protection Regulation EU Site: Privacy by Design Questions • What? • Why? • Who is affected ? ○ Am I a controller? ○ Am I a processor? • What data is included in protection? • What protection is required? • What to protect against? What consent is required? • What are the penalties? Privacy Impact Assessments A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA), which is required under GDPR for data-intensive projects, is a living document which must be made accessible to all involved with a project. It is the process by which you discuss, audit, inventory, and mitigate the privacy risks inherent in the data you colle

  • EP52 - AskDeveloper Podcast - MOOCs

    08/07/2017 Duração: 01h23min

    - Quick history ○ Distance learning ○ Open educational resource movement ○ MOOC coined in 2008 by Dave Cormier ○ Khan Academy, P2PU, and Udemy ○ Udemy has tools for pros to create courses and publish (also attracting corporate trainers to create courses for enterprises) ○ Udacity growing out of Stanford CS courses by Sebastian Thrun ○ Coursera growing out of Stanford's Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller ○ MITx launched by MIT in response to commercialization of MOOC, then joined by Harvard and renamed edX - Cost ○ Content is free ○ edX offers certificate for 100$ for most courses ○ Coursera have some quizzes and grading exercises only for paying students ○ Udacity has nano-degrees with projects reviewed only for paying students - Interdisciplinary learning ○ Importance ○ Examples - For credit leaning ○ Georgia Tech masters 2013 with Udacity ○ edX have MicroMasters which offers for credit courses and earn 25% credit of on campus masters § RIT cybersecurity § University of Penn

  • EP51 - Software Craftsmanship

    12/04/2017 Duração: 01h30min

    من هو المبرمج الصنايعي من هو المبرمج المهندس الموضوع مش بالشهادات سؤال الفرق بين المبرمج والمهندس الألقاب تأثير الثانوية العامة علي ترتيب الوظائف في البرمجة المهندس الكويس مش شرط يكون حرفي كويس علاقة المهن في البرمجة بالوظائف الإدراية سؤال "أنا ما أعرفش أي حاجة، وعايز أدخل المجال" سواء أخدت شهادة أو ما أخدتش شهادة، إيه هي الحاجات اللي المفروض أتعلمها؟

  • AskDeveloper Podcast - 50 - Content Distribution

    06/04/2017 Duração: 01h03min

    - Follow up on Encryption episode (Google blocking Symantec certs) ○ Sep 2015 incident (Thawte issuing a cert without authorization. Attributed to employee error and resolved by termination § Oct 2015 Symantec disclosed 23 test certs issued without owners knowledge, more certs uncovered by Certificate Transparency logs, symantec extended the audit and found additional 164 certs, and 2458 certs issued for domains never registered § Jan 19 2017, Mozilla reported more misuse!msg/ § Mar 23, 2017, google posts a report of 30,000 bad certs from symantec, proposing a gradual plan to distrust symantec till actions taken to ensure trust!topic/blink-dev/eUAKwjihhBs%5B1-25%5D Extended validation vs. Domain validation certs (mostly technically identical -EV may use stronger enc- but diff

  • AskDeveloper Podcast - 49 - Cryptography - Part 3 - Digital Signaures and Protocols

    18/03/2017 Duração: 01h54min

    ○ Digital Signatures § Goal: verify Authenticity of a message. § Based on Asymmetric Cryptography. § Basic operations 1. Public / Private keys generation (using some algorithm like RSA) 2. Signing algorithm using the private key 3. Signature verification algorithm using the corresponding public key i. Extending previous Example • Steps (Order is very important, bold stuff is the difference added to authenticate sender) ® Party 1 (Alice) 1. Generates a random AES Session Key (32 bytes / 256 bits) 2. Generates a random Initialization Vector (IV) (16 bytes / 128 bits) 3. Encrypt the message to be sent using the AES Session Key & IV 4. Calculate an HMAC of the encrypted message using the AES Session key 5. Encrypt the AES Session Key using the Public Key of Party 2 (Bob) The recipient. 6. Calculate Signature using the private signing key on the HMAC 7. Sends a packet of (Encrypted Message, Encrypted Session Key, Initialization Vector, HMAC

  • AskDeveloper Podcast - 48 - Thoughts on Interviews

    10/03/2017 Duração: 01h56min

    هل الطريقة الحالية لتقييم المطورين بالتركيز على أسئلة الخوارزميات هي الطريقة المثلى؟ روابط ذكرت في اللقاء DHH (The author of Ruby on Rails) قائمة مجمعة بالشركات التي تعتمد طرق اخرى في تقييم المبرمجين Our facebook Page On Sound Cloud Please Like & Subscribe

  • EP47 - AskDeveloper Podcast - Cryptography - Part 2 - Encryption

    16/10/2016 Duração: 01h09min

    الحلقة السابقة ○ Encryption (Two Ways) § Symmetric Encryption □ Same key both encrypts and decrypts the data. □ Very fast, yet exchanging key is tricky □ Very Algorithmic □ Examples ® DES Data Encryption Standard (BROKEN) ◊ Uses key of 56 bit length ® Triple DES (3DES) ◊ Uses three keys (or two unique keys) of 56 bit each ® AES Advanced Encryption Standard ◊ Uses keys of 128, 192 or 256 bits long □ Attacks ® Brute force ◊ Usually mitigated via increasing key length, as difficulty increases exponentially as key size increases, for example time to crack given a modern super computer. Key Size Time To Crack 56 bits 399 seconds 128 bits 1.02 * 1018 years 192 bits 1.87 * 1037 years 256 bits 3.31 * 1056 years ◊ Side-Channel Attacks § Asymmetric Encryption □ Key pairs have mathematical relationship

  • EP46 - AskDeveloper Podcast - Cryptography - Part 1 - Introduction and Hashing

    01/10/2016 Duração: 01h39min

    Information Security 1. Introduction ○ Security by obscurity § Steganography □ Hiding data inside another form of data, like using non-used bits in image to hide a message § Cool, but not practical. § Disadvantages ◊ Algorithm secrecy vs. key secrecy ○ Cryptography is everywhere and yet if done right, you can barely see it. ○ Goals: § Confidentiality □ Secrets stay secret. § Integrity □ Data is not tampered with. § Non-Repudiation □ No party can deny sending messages. § Authentication □ Each party can ensure that the sender is what they expect. ○ Cryptography § Hashing § Encryption § Signing § Protocols ○ Random Number Generators § Extremely important, almost all encryption/hashing strength is affected by how random the random number generator is. § Don't use simple random number, use a cryptographic random number generator with a sophisticated source of entropy. § Pseudorandom number generator § Dual_EC_DRBG random generat

  • EP45 - A little bit about Bitcoin

    30/04/2016 Duração: 01h34min

    • What's wrong with the world as it is today? ○ Gatekeepers and Walled Gardens ○ The Master Switch by Tim Wu ▪ Tim Wu is the one who coined the Net Neutrality term. ▪ This book tells the story of how every communication medium starts a revolution that upsets the order, then eventually it gets controlled. The same thing could happen to the Internet. • Bitcoin ○ Is this about money, or about technology ○ Is this about the technology or bitcoin, or the technology of distributed money. ○ How Bitcoin works. Video. ○ Bitcoin mining in plain English. • Blockchain ○ permissionless distributed database based on the bitcoin protocol that maintains a continuously growing list of data records hardened against tampering and revision, even by its operators. The initial and most widely known application of block chain technology is the public ledger of transactions for bitcoin, which has been the inspiration for similar implementations often known as altchains ○ Trustless transactions ○ Simple exp

  • EP44 - Yasser Walked On MARS And Can't Wait To Talk About It

    09/04/2016 Duração: 01h24min

    AskDeveloper Podcast - 44 - Yasser walked on MARS, and can't wait to talk about it, and coverage of Build 2016 اشترك في قناتنا على يوتيوب و تابعنا على فيسبوك

  • EP43 - Gate Keepers

    21/02/2016 Duração: 01h16min

    الحلقة 43 من راديو اسأل مطور, في هذه الحلقة نناقش مشاكل احتفاظ الشركات التقنية بالبيانات الشخصية و استهداف الحكومات و الأجهزة الأمنية لها و نناقش بعض الأخبار التقنية التي حدثت و المتعلقة مثل مطالبة ال FBI لشركة Apple لكسر تشفير أحد أجهزة iPhone و الذي تم اصدار حكم محكمة لالزام الشركة بهذا و على اثره قام Tim Cook المدير التنفيذي للشركة باصدار خطاب مفتوح لمستخدمين التكنولوجيا. أيضاً تحدثنا عن موضوع Where is The Fair Use #WTFU و الذي اثير مؤخراً على يوتيوب و أيضاً صدر العدد الثانية من Ask Developer LinkSheet يمكنك الحصول عليها هنا العدد الأول اشترك في قناتنا على يوتيوب و تابعنا على فيسبوك

  • EP42 - Ask Developer Hangout - Week 45 - نقاش مفتوح عن مشروع نقابة مهندسي البرمجيات

    07/02/2016 Duração: 01h33min

    في هذا اللقاء نناقش موضوع المشروع المقترح لنقابة مهندسي البرمجيات, و الذي تم اقتراحه عده مرات من قبل بنماذج متفاوتة. آخر نسخة مقترحة معلنة من القانون - و التي تم تقديمها لمجلس الشعب في 2012 - تسجيل اللقاء بالفيديو Our facebook Page On Sound Cloud Please Like & Subscribe

  • EP41 - Augmented Reality - Virtual Reality

    05/12/2015 Duração: 01h05min

    في هذه الحلقة نناقش موضوع ال VR / AR أو الواقع المعزز و الواقع الافتراضي و نتعرض لبعض المنتجات التي ظهرت أو في طريقها للظهور و الطفرة التي حدثت مؤخراً في هذا المجال. Oculus Rift, Hulu Lens, Project Morpheus (PlayStation VR) - Immersive technologies - VR history ○ Entex Adventure Vision (1982) ○ Nintendo Virtual Boy (1995) - Oculus ○ Samsung Gear VR - Cardboard - Hololens experience Show Notes Yasser goes to Redmond to visit Microsoft and gets a surprise demo of the new Hololens. A channel9 video, a tour in Microsoft museum Video about Microsoft and Apple staff in NY Glen Keane - Disney artist using Oculus Rift Hololens and Volvo Unity 3D Entex Adventure

  • EP40 - Entrepreneurship In Egypt With Mostafa Ashour

    09/03/2015 Duração: 01h18min

    Mostafa Ashour an Egyptian entrepreneur who started at least two different startups in Egypt in different types of software business like Gaming with Khayal Entertainment, also worked for multinational companies such as IBM and Microsoft, and recently he decided to write a book التجربة الخيالية - قصة انتاج أول لعبة كمبوتر في مصر مصر مفيهاش مينتورز Deconstructor of Fun إشتري نسخة رقمية من كتاب التجربة الخيالية Tryvin Boxmize Mostafa Ashour

  • EP39 - Interviewing For Google For With Mohamed Tayseer

    18/01/2015 Duração: 01h20min

    الحلقة التاسعة و الثلاثون من راديو اسأل مطور, في هذه الحلقة نستضيف المهندس محمد تيسير المنضم حديثاً لفريق عمل جوجل في مدينة زيورخ في سويسرا, ليشارك معنا خبراته و نصائحه لمن يريدون التقدم في الوظائف المماثلة. Why do you want to join Google? Technical career path Innovative Move to another country You will not lose anything if you fail. There is no such thing as blacklist What they are looking for in a candidate? Smart & get things done Goes the extra mile (open-source, side projects, …) Measurable achievements College degree is not required Persistence: I failed the 1st interview but passed the 2nd How to pass the interview? Relax. It’s not the end of the world Always keep the communication line open. In other words, always think out loud. Don’t stand there silently while you are thinking Validate your assumptions with test cases & ask about edge cases to make sure you understand everything. The problem might be simpler than you think Apply for all suitable positions, not just one or two (follow @googlejobs

  • EP38 - Package Managers

    10/01/2015 Duração: 57min

    Introduction What is a package? What is a Package Manager? Why Do we need Package Manager? Pros and Cons Pros Break your code into sharable components. Reduce build times. Easy to find well-made packages to speed up development. Resolving versioning in a clean way. Cons Sometimes packages don't play well together Too many package managers with very little differences Examples Ruby Gems (was that the first one?) Python Pip NuGet NPM apt-get OneGet Chocoloty Bower Yum pacman

  • EP37 - Microsoft .net Going Open Source

    15/11/2014 Duração: 01h42min

    Welcome to the 37th episode of AskDeveloper Podcast, in this episode we will discuss the big news that came from Microsoft last week regarding opening the source of the .net Framework as well as a new SKU of Visual Studio Community Edition for small and Open Source teams. أهلا بكم في الحلقة السابعة و الثلاثون من راديو اسأل مطور في هذه الحلقة نناقش الأخبار التي أعلنتها مايكروسوفت الأسبوع الماضي عن فتح مصدر اطار عمل دوت نت, بالاضافة الى اصدار نسخة جديدة من فيجوال ستوديو (نسخة المجتمع) و التي ستكون مجانية للفرق الصغيرة و المشاريع مفتوحة المصدر.

  • EP36 - Source Control And Git

    27/09/2014 Duração: 01h25min

    الحلقة السادسة و الثلاثون من راديو اسأل مطور, نناقش في هذا الأسبوع أهمية نظم حفظ و تنظيم الكود Source Control و نقارن بين أنواعها المختلفة و نتكلم باستفاضة عن Git What is source control Why do I need Source Control Source control absence from official CS curriculum is a disaster Source control can be as important as If Else statements Important for individuals. Vital for teams Types of Source Control Systems Centralized (Traditional) CVS SVN - Subversion. TFS Distributed Git Mercurial Awesome Git Features Stash Branching with no overhead Local Commits (never lose a thing) Rewriting History (rebasing) Git vs GitHub GitLab Bitbucket Using GitHub in non-programming projects

  • EP35 - AskDeveloper Podcast - Logic

    15/06/2014 Duração: 01h05min

    الحلقة 35 من راديو اسأل مطور, في هذه الحلقة نستعرض موضوع المنطق للمبرمجين. - Abstraction ○ 1+1 = 2 almost always not true ○ If 1 orange + another orange, what about the size of each, the taste ... etc ○ For this to be true some abstraction is required ○ Abstraction is removing some details to simplify reality modeling and perception ○ Programming is in huge part an art of abstraction ○ "Leaky abstraction" Spolsky's post.  - Perception ○ This table has four legs ○ This table is beautiful ○ The first statement the signifier and signified are adjacent while the second statement there is a space for interpretation ○ Some signifiers has wide meanings or narrow, and different people perceive it differently ○ Role of agile development in addressing perception issues - Deduction

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