5 Minute Italian

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 26:27:42
  • Mais informações



Where's the toilet? Two coffees please! How much is it? Join Katie and Matteo for 5 minute Italian, a fun podcast which teaches you the basics in bite-sized pieces.


  • 75: You have reason! How to say "you're right" in Italian

    08/12/2019 Duração: 05min

    Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/how-to-say-youre-right-in-italian/‎ Practice your Italian in our facebook group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian Leave a review on itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/5-minute-italian/id1217040140 Today's Italian words Hai ragione = you’re right Lo so = I know Ho sempre ragione = I’m always right Ha ragione = he/she’s right Abbiamo ragione = we’re right Avete ragione = youPlural are right Hanno ragione = they’re right

  • 74: How to say "I'm hungry" in Italian

    24/11/2019 Duração: 08min

    Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/how-to-say-im-hungry-in-italian/ Practise your Italian in our Facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian Todays Italian words Ho fame = I'm hungry (lit. I have hunger) Ho = I have Fame = hunger Hai sempre fame = you're always hungry Hai = you have (spelt h-a-i, but the h is silent) Sempre = always Fame = hunger Sì, ma adesso ho molta fame = yes, but now I'm really hungry Sì = yes Ma = but Adesso = now Ho = I have Molta = lots of Fame = hunger Anch'io ho fame = I'm hungry too. Anch'io = also I Ho = I have Fame = hunger Allora mangiamo qualcosa? = So shall we eat something? Allora = so/well/then (depending on the context) Mangiamo = we eat/let's eat Qualcosa = something Ha fame = he/she is hungry (lit. has hunger) Abbiamo fame = we have hunger Avete fame = youPlural have hunger Hanno fame = they have hunger Ho pazienza = I'm patient (I have patience) Ho paura = I'm afraid (I have fear) Ho trentatre anni = I'm 33 (lit. I have

  • 73: How to say "I agree" in Italian

    10/11/2019 Duração: 08min

    Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/how-to-say-i-agree-in-italian/ Practise your Italian in our Facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian Todays Italian words Sono d'accordo = I agree Sono = I am Di = of Accordo = accord Non sono d'accordo = I don't agree Sei d'accordo = you agree Sei d'accordo? = do you agree? È d'accordo = he/she agrees Siamo d'accordo = we agree Siete d'accordo = you all/both agree (you plural) Sono d'accordo = they agree (same as I agree) D'accordo? = agreed?

  • 72: Eggs or grapes? How to avoid a silly mistake

    27/10/2019 Duração: 06min

    Get the bonus materials for this episode: joyoflanguages.com/eggs-or-grapes Practise your Italian in our Facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian Today's Italian words uovo = egg uova = eggs un uovo = one egg due uova = two eggs L'uva = (the) grapes

  • 71: Geloso vs. invidioso: How to say jealous in Italian

    29/09/2019 Duração: 05min

    Get the bonus materials for this episode: joyoflanguages.com/how-to-say-jealous-in-italian/ Practise your Italian in our Facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian Today's Italian words Sono geloso = I’m jealous (a man talking about “love” jealousy) Sono gelosa = I’m jealous (a woman talking about “love” jealousy) Sono invidioso = I’m jealous (a man talking about “I want what you have” jealousy) Sono invidiosa = I’m jealous (a woman talking about “I want what you have” jealousy)

  • 70: When to use molto (and when to use molti, molta and molte)

    22/09/2019 Duração: 05min

    Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/molto/ Practise your Italian in our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian Today's Italian words Molto = very/lots of Molto grande = very big Molto felice = very happy Molto vecchio = very old Molto veloce = very fast Molto difficile = very difficult Molto cibo = lots of food Molti pomodori = lots of tomatoes Molta pioggia = lots of rain Molte banane = lots of bananas

  • 69: What does "casino" mean in Italian? (it might not be what you think)

    08/09/2019 Duração: 07min

    Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/casino-italian-meaning/ Practise your Italian in our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian Today's Italian words ll governo ci costa un sacco di soldi. E fa sempre casini. = The government costs us loads of money. And they're always making a mess. il governo = the government ci = us costa = costs un sacco di = loads of soldi = money e = and fa = makes sempre = always casini = messes ho fatto un casino = I made a mess non fare casini = don't make a mess che casino = what a mess fare casino/casini = make a mess casinò un sacco di = loads of un sacco di soldi = loads of money un sacco di rumore = loads of noise un sacco di cose = loads of things

  • 68: DA vs. PER: What's the difference?

    28/07/2019 Duração: 07min

    Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/difference-between-da-per-italian/ Practise your Italian in our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian Today's Italian words Da quanto tempo = how long Da quanto tempo studi l'italiano? = how long have you been studying Italian for? Da = since Quanto = how much Tempo = time Studi = you study l'italiano = the italian Studio l'italiano da due anni = I've been studying Italian for two years Studio = I study L'italiano = the Italian Da = since Due = 2 Anni = years. Studio l'italiano da due anni = I've been studying Italian for two years Ho studiato l'italiano per due anni = I studied Italian for two years (but I don't anymore). Aspetto da 10 minuti = I've been waiting for 10 minutes Ho aspettato per 10 minuti = I waited for 10 minutes (but I'm not waiting anymore).

  • 67: How long have you...? How to use “da” in Italian

    30/06/2019 Duração: 09min

    Join our free mini conversation course: joyoflanguages.com/mini-conversation-course/ Get the bonus materials for this episode: joyoflanguages.com/da-in-italian-how-long/ Practise your Italian in our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian/?ref=group_header Today's Italian words Da quanto tempo vivi in Italia? = How long have you been living in Italy? Da = since quanto tempo = how much time Vivi = you live in Italia = in Italy Da quanto tempo = how long have you…. (lit. since how much time) Vivo in Italia da quasi 10 anni = I’ve been living in Italy for almost 10 years. Vivo = I live in Italia = in Italy da = since quasi = almost dieci anni = ten years E tu? = And you? Ovviamente vivi in Italia da tutta la vita, più o meno = Obviously you’ve been living in Italy for your whole life, more or less. Ovviamente = obviously vivi = you live in Italia = in Italy da = since tutta la vita = the whole life più = more o = or meno = less Ma da quanto tempo vivi a Milano? = But ho

  • 66: How to say "the" in Italian: lo and gli (the ones everyone forgets)

    02/06/2019 Duração: 13min

    Get the bonus materials for this episode here: http://joyoflanguages.com/how-to-say-the-in-italian-lo-gli/ Practise your Italian in our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian/?ref=group_header How to pronounce "gli" in Italian: http://joyoflanguages.com/pronounce-gli-italian/ How to pronounce "gn" as in "gnocchi": http://joyoflanguages.com/pronounce-gn-italian/ Today's Italian words Che cosa ti piace fare nel tuo tempo libero? = What do you like doing in your free time? Che cosa = what ti piace = you like fare = to do nel tuo tempo libero = in your free time? Cucinare = Cooking Spesso faccio gli spaghetti alla carbonara = Often I make "Spaghetti alla carbonara", which is sometimes just called "Carbonara". Spesso = often faccio = I make gli spaghetti = the spaghetti alla carbonara = carbonara style E recentemente ho imparato come fare gli gnocchi a mano = And recently, I learned how to make gnocchi by hand, which is a type of pasta with potato in the dough. E = and recentemente = rece

  • 65: How to say "the" in Italian: before vowels

    19/05/2019 Duração: 09min

    Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/how-to-say-the-in-italian-before-vowels/ Practise chatting Italian in our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian/ How to pronounce "gli": http://joyoflanguages.com/pronounce-gli-italian/ Today's Italian words Gli italiani cucinano molto bene = Italians cook really well. Qual'è il vostro segreto? = What's your secret? Gli = the italiani = Italians cucinano = they cook molto bene = very well Qual è = which is il vostro segreto = your secret Gli ingredienti sono la chiave = Ingredients are the key. Gli = the ingredienti = ingredients sono = are la chiave = the key Con ingredienti freschi, tutto è buono = With fresh ingredients, everything is tasty. Con = with ingredienti = ingredients freschi = fresh tutto = everything è = is buono = good or tasty In Italia abbiamo molto sole = In Italy, we have lots of sun In Italia = in Italy, abbiamo = we have molto sole = lots of sun Quindi è facile trovare prodotti buoni come le ol

  • 64: How to say "the" in Italian: The basics

    21/04/2019 Duração: 08min

    Watch the video for today's lesson in our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian/permalink/2288483834543123/ Get the bonus materials for today's lesson: http://joyoflanguages.com/how-to-say-the-in-italian-il-la-i-le/ Today's words il formaggio = (the) cheese Mi piace il formaggio = I like (the) cheese il prosciutto crudo = (the) Parma ham (a cured meat) prosciutto = ham crudo = raw i pomodorini = (the) cherry tomatoes il pomodorino = the cherry tomato  il grissino = the breadstick i grissini = (the) breadsticks La pancetta = (the) bacon La mortadella = a type of Italian cold cut from Bologna. La carota = (the) carrot. Le carote = (the) carrots. La mela = (the) apple. Le mele = (the) apples.

  • 63: How to say "time" in Italian (Tempo vs. Volta)

    24/03/2019 Duração: 06min

    Remember what you learnt from today's lesson with the bonus materials: http://joyoflanguages.com/volta-tempo-time-italian/ Practise chatting in Italian with us: www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian/ Today's Italian words il tempo vola = time flies il tempo = time (literally: the time)  vola = flies  Non ho tempo = I don't have time  Non ho = I don't have (literally: not, I have) tempo = time Tutto il tempo Tutto = all il = the tempo = time Tempo è denaro = time is money  il tempo = time ("the" time) è = is denaro = money il tempo è un'illusione = time is an illusion il tempo = time (literally "the time") è = is un'illusione = an illusion.  Una volta = one time/once Una = one Volta = time Due volte = two times/twice Due = two Volte = times  La prossima volta = next time La prossima = next (literally "the next") Volta = time La scorsa volta = last time La scorsa = the last Volta = time Ogni volta = every time Ogni = every  Volta = time Molte volte = many times Molte = Many Volte = times

  • 62: Give it to me! Double Object Pronouns in Italian

    10/03/2019 Duração: 16min

    Remember what you learnt from today's lesson with the bonus materials: http://joyoflanguages.com/double-object-pronouns-italian/ Practise chatting in Italian with us: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian/ Today's Italian words Quel libro, me lo compri? = That book, can you buy it for me? (literally: that book, for me, it, you buy?) Quel =that Libro = book Me = for me Lo = it Compri = you buy Compro = I buy Lo compro = I buy it. Literally: it, I buy (For masculine things, like "il libro") La compro = I buy it. (la = for feminine things, like "la torta") Ti compro un libro = I buy a book for you (literally: for you, a buy a book) Te lo compro = I buy it for you (literally: for you, it, I buy) Me lo compri = You buy it for me (literally: for me, it, you buy) Me la compri = You buy it for me (la = for feminine things, like "la torta") Me lo dai = You give it to me (literally: to me, it, you give) Me la dai = You give it to me (la = for feminine things, like "la torta") Te lo compro = I buy it for you

  • 61: Indirect Object Pronouns in Italian - The Ultimate Guide

    10/02/2019 Duração: 09min

    Get the bonus materials from today's episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/indirect-object-pronouns-italian/ Practise chatting in Italian with us by joining our facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian/ Today's Italian words Mi = to me/for me Ti = to you/for you Gli = to him/for him Le = to her/for her Ci = to us/for us Vi = to you/for you (plural "you", when speaking to two or more people) Gli = to them/for them Do = I give Questo = this Ti = to you/for you Ti do questo = I give this to you Compro questo = I buy this Ti compro questo = I buy this for you Vi = To you/for you (plural - when speaking to two or more people) Vi do questo = I give this to you (plural) Vi compro questo = I buy this for you (plural) Gli = to him/for him Gli do questo = I give this to him Gli compro questo = I buy this for him Gli = to them/for them Gli do questo = I give this to them Gli compro questo = I buy this for them Le = to her/for her Le do questo = I give this to her Le compro questo = I buy this for her Mi =

  • 60: How to Learn Italian - Tips from a Polyglot Italian teacher

    13/01/2019 Duração: 31min

    Join us for a Facebook live this Thursday! Ask Stefano any questions you have about Italian by joining our facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian/ Learn Italian with Katie and Stefano in Italy this summer! We'll be releasing the details for our Italian immersion vacations very soon. If you think you might like to join us, subscribe to the mailing list here: courses.joyoflanguages.com/italian-immersion-vacations Bonus materials for today's episode: joyoflanguages.com/how-to-learn-italian Today's Italian words Buon 2019 a tutti! = Happy 2019 everyone Buon = good A = to Tutti = everyone Oggi parliamo di cosa ci vuole per imparare bene l’italiano = Today, we're talking about what's needed to learn Italian well. Oggi = today Parliamo = we speak Di = about Cosa = what Ci vuole = is needed Per = in order to Imparare = learn Bene = well l’italiano = Italian (literally "the Italian") In questo nuovo anno appena iniziato = In this new year (that's) just begun. In = in Questo = this Nuovo = new Anno

  • 59: Ask to her! Listen me! (When Italian and English are different)

    16/12/2018 Duração: 08min

    Get the bonus materials from today's episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/ask-listen-italian-different/ Practise chatting in Italian with us by joining our facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian/ Today’s Italian words Tua mamma impara l’italiano, vero? = Your mum is learning Italian, right? Tua mamma = your mum Impara = learns L’italiano = the italian Vero = true Le dai una mano? = Do you give her a hand? Le = to her Dai = You give Una mano = a hand. Si, a volte = Yes sometimes. Che cosa fai? = What do you do? Le chiedo: “che cosa fai oggi” = I ask her “what are you doing today” E scambiamo un paio di parole in italiano = And we exchange a few words in Italian. Le = to her Chiedo = I ask Che cosa = what Fai = you do Oggi = today E = and Scambiamo = we exchange Un paio = a pair Di = of Parole = words In italiano = in Italian. Le chiedo = I ask her (literally = to her, I ask) Gli chiedo = I ask him (literally = to him, I ask) Poi, le insegno un po’ di grammatica = Then, I teach

  • 58: How to use "le" in Italian (to her, for her)

    02/12/2018 Duração: 08min

    Get the bonus materials from today's lesson: http://joyoflanguages.com/gli-italian-le/ ‎ Practise chatting with us in Italian by joining our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian/ Today's Italian words and phrases Che cosa fai quando finisci il latte di soia di tua sorella? = What do you do when you finish your sister’s soy milk? Che cosa = what Fai = you do Quando = when Finisci = you finish Il latte = the milk Di soia = of soia Di tua sorella = of your sister? Le compro un’altra bottiglia = I buy another bottle for her. Le = for her Compro = I buy Un’altra = another Bottiglia = bottle Quando lascia le cose in giro? = When she leaves things hanging around?Quando = when Lascia = she leaves Le cose = the things In giro = around Le dico di mettere in ordine! = I tell her to tidy up! Le = to her Dico = I say di = to (literally of) Mettere = put In = in Ordine = order Le dico = I tell her/say to her Gli dico = I tell him/say to him Quando è raffreddata? = when she has a

  • 57: How to use "gli" in Italian (to them, for them)

    18/11/2018 Duração: 06min

    When Matteo gets the train from Milan to Naples, he puts something very odd in his bag. Find out what it is and learn more about how to use the word  “gli” in this episode of 5 Minute Italian. Get the bonus materials for this episode: www.joyoflanguages.com/gli-italian-them/ Join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian/ Today's Italian words Che cosa porti a tua mamma e tua sorella quando torni a Napoli? = What do you bring your mum and your sister when you go back to Naples? Che cosa = what Porti = “you bring” or “you take” (Italians don’t differentiate) A = to Tua mamma = your mum E = and Tua sorella = Your sister Quando = when Torni = you return A = to Napoli = Naples Gli porto una zucca = I take them a pumpkin. Gli = To them Porto = I take Una Zucca = A pumpkin. E ai tuoi amici = And to your friends? Niente, gli compro da bere = Nothing, I buy them something to drink. Niente = nothing Gli = for them Compro = I buy Da bere = to drink

  • 56: How to use "gli" in Italian (to him, for him)

    11/11/2018 Duração: 08min

    What do you do when a friend forgets his wallet? Find out what Matteo does and learn how to use "gli" in Italian. Get the bonus materials for today's lesson: www.joyoflanguages.com/gli-italian/ Join our Facebook group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian/ Todays Italian words and phrases Che cosa fai quando un amico ha bisogno di aiuto? = What do you do when a friend needs help? Che cosa = what Fai = you do Quando = when Un amico = a friend Ha bisogno di = needs (literally “has need of”) Aiuto = help Gli do una mano = I give him a hand. Gli = To him Do = I give Una mano = A hand Gli dico = I say to him (Literally: to him, I say) Che cosa gli dico? = What shall I say to him? (literally: What, to him, I say?) Gli cucino = I cook for him (For him, I cook) Quando dimentica il portafoglio? = When he forgets his wallet? Quando = when Dimentica = he forgets il portafoglio = the wallet? Gli dico che non c’è problema e gli pago la cena = I tell him it’s not a problem and I pay for his dinner. Gli = to him

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