Author Audience: Helping You Reach More People With Your Message | Writing | Self-publishing | Book Marketing | Business Grow
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 149:36:54
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Shelley Hitz is on a mission to help you reach more people with your message because she believes every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Each episode of Author Audience will be packed with ACTIONABLE training, spiritual inspiration, and encouragement for you to write, publish, and market your books. However, this podcast is not just about how to write and self-publish a book. It is so much more. Episodes also include topics on book marketing, social media marketing, how to sell more books, product creation, coaching, speaking, etc. Shelley’s passion is to help you connect with your audience in the best way possible. If you are a Christian author, Christian entrepreneur, or someone who simply wants to reach more people with your message, you're in the right place! The question is, are you ready to let your light SHINE?
#324: Publish with a Purpose: 3 Ways to Self-Publish on a Budget (without compromising quality)
11/05/2022 Duração: 06minWhen it comes to self-publishing, is it possible to publish a quality book on a budget? Yes, it is! Here are 3 ways to consider… 1.) Hire the right people Many companies will offer to publish your book for thousands of dollars. Typically it will cost $3000 - $10,000. When you remove the middleman and hire the right people directly, you can save thousands of dollars. Why not use some of the money you saved for other things like marketing your book once it’s published? 2.) Start small Your main expense when self-publishing will be hiring a professional editor. Most editors charge by the word or by project. Therefore, when you publish a shorter book; your costs will be significantly less. 3.) Know where you can cut costs (and where you shouldn’t) For example, one of the easiest ways to save money when publishing your book is with the formatting. However, you still want to use tools that are cost-effective and give you a final product you’re proud to share with the world. Want to learn even more ways to self-publ
#323: Writing Well: Are These 3 Myths Keeping You From Finishing Your Book?
04/05/2022 Duração: 07minSelf-publishing can be overwhelming and expensive. You've done some research and have been praying about the best way to publish your book. However, you have some doubts and hesitations. I’ve been there. We’ve all been there. Don’t let paralysis of analysis keep your book as an unfinished project on your computer's hard drive or in your notebooks gathering dust. Instead, let’s breakthrough the myths that may be holding you back. Myth #1: Traditionally published books are of better quality than self-published books. The truth is that self-published books can have the same quality as a book published with a traditional publisher. There are certain things you can do to make sure that when someone picks up your book they won’t know it has been independently published. If you want to self-publish a book that has a quality interior design (on a budget), be sure to check out Dave Chesson’s presentation at our upcoming Kingdom Writers Conference! Myth #2: It costs thousands of dollars to self-publish a book. The tru
#322: Mentoring Moment: Filling the Gaps
27/04/2022 Duração: 12min1 Thessalonians 3:9-11Ezekiel 22:30 As Kingdom Writers, we can be people God uses to help fill in the gaps (as Paul says) and also stand in the gap (Ezekiel) in order to help repair a wall of righteousness and plead on behalf of others. Our books and other writings are ways God brings us to others in order to encourage and edify their faith. Just as Paul’s letters were carried to believers all over the region, our books can be carried around the world in order to help fill in the gaps that people have in their faith and answer questions others may be wrestling with. Your Writing Battle Plan Powerful things happen when you integrate your faith with your writing, publishing, and marketing. Learn how to create your writing battle plan so you can move forward in God's call on your life to write in our Battle Plan All-Access Pass. You'll get 15 presentations plus 13 bonus trainings including our Priestly Pen bundle here:
#321: Marketing Minute: How Do You Prioritize Marketing Tasks?
20/04/2022 Duração: 07minThis is how I typically do prioritize my marketing tasks, but it will be different for each of you. My first priority: Will it produce income? (Long term or short term? What is the profit margin?) Will it build my email list? (Manual or automated?) My next thought process: What is the least minimum viable product? Done well, yes. But sometimes we don’t need to do everything right now (ie blog) Also: What’s required? Will I need to learn a new skill or technology? If I can choose something profitable with what I already have/know, I often choose it. What has worked well for me in the past? 80/20 rule. Finally: I take action and figure it out as I go. Very rarely do I have everything figured out before I take action. Book Marketing Templates to Save You Time and Money You’ve got a book you’re proud of. Now you’re looking for a simpler way to get it into the hands of more readers. One way you can do that is through social media. It's free to use...however, it can also take up a lot of your time. Good
#320: Publish with a Purpose: How Do You Move Past the Fear of Pressing the Publish Button?
13/04/2022 Duração: 04minPublishing is a very vulnerable process, isn’t it? You are putting your heart and soul onto paper for the whole world to see. How do you deal with the fear that comes with publishing? Learn a few ways to reframe it in this episode. Links mentioned: Conquer the fear of sharing your story: Download Your FREE Publishing Map If you want to write and publish a book but don't know where to start, this Publishing Map is for you. You will learn Shelley's 9 simple steps inside her publishing map that will help you gain clarity on your next steps. Download it now for free here:
#319: How Do You Streamline the Writing Process?
06/04/2022 Duração: 05minIn this episode, you will learn several ideas for setting up systems and learning what works best for you in your writing process. Links mentioned: Video on how to organize your computer files: Writing Wheel free eBook: Move Forward in God’s Call to Write If you don’t have a copy yet, get your copy of our new book Kingdom Writers so that you can move forward in God’s call to write in your life here:
#318: How Long Will It Take to Publish a Book?
30/03/2022 Duração: 02minWe typically recommend giving yourself 90 days for each stage of the Kingdom Writers Path at the most. However, we’ve had members publish a book within a month of joining Christian Book Academy. For example, Jennifer Nelson published a book 10 days after enrolling in our membership. It depends on the time you have to invest and the scope of your book project. If you take at least 90 days on each stage it would look something like this... First Draft: 90 days Final Draft: 90 days Self-Publish: 90 days This means you can get your book published in 9 months. Join Our Community of Kingdom Writers Get on the waitlist for Christian Book Academy here:
#317: Mentoring Moment: Redwood Faith – Standing Tall Together
23/03/2022 Duração: 17minMany of you have visited the Redwood National Park in northern California. Shelley & I visited that area a few years ago. I remember walking through forests with lush ferns among these gentle giants in all their majesty. Imagine the Creator of those trees! -Redwoods can grow as tall as 400 feet -The oldest redwood is thought to be over 3200 years old and is known as the “President” -Some are wide enough for a car to drive through -Roots only go about 7-8 feet deep but can be spread out over 100 feet -Redwood roots are intertwined with other redwoods which allows them to remain stable even through strong storms. I see Christian Book Academy like a gentle redwood forest where our roots intertwine with one another. -A redwood cone can produce 150-250 seeds, each seed being only the size of a tomato seed. That’s about the size of the head of a matchstick Our books also begin with a seed idea. That seed is then watered by God and it continues to grow into something we could have hardly imagined. Redwoods are r
#316: Marketing Minute: 3 Types of Book Marketing
16/03/2022 Duração: 14minThere are three types of book marketing you can do. 1. Free organic marketing (usually takes longer and requires more time) 2. Paid ads (for authors the best platform is Amazon Ads but still requires a learning curve) 3. Partner marketing through strategic relationships (very powerful but requires connecting with others in your niche or those who already have a platform similar to your target audience) Free Organic Marketing: Content marketing, social media, etc. The pro is that it’s FREE. The con is that it takes more time. Amazon ads: Amazon ads do take time and a learning curve. But with persistence, they can be very effective. We've done very well with ads for my book Broken Crayons Still Color. Partner Marketing: I share 11 ideas for partner marketing in this video. You can watch it here: 27 Book Marketing Ideas Download our free PDF with 27 different ideas to market your book here:
#315: Publish with a Purpose: Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing
09/03/2022 Duração: 07minThere are advantages to both traditional publishing and self-publishing. I personally have chosen self-publishing (independent publishing) and love it! However, it’s not always the best fit for everyone. Here are some benefits to consider: If you want to go down the path of self-publishing, I’m your girl and can help you every step of the way. If you want to traditionally publish, you will need to create a book proposal and pitch it to publishers and/or find an agent to help you. Publishing Map Download our free publishing map and video explaining the self-publishing process here:
#314: Writing Well: How to Choose Which Book to Write First
02/03/2022 Duração: 04minWhen you have multiple book ideas, how do you decide which book to write first? Here are a few questions to ask: When you're praying about it, do you get a sense from God which book is first? What do you feel the most passionate about right now? What are your goals right now? Does one of the books line up better with your goals? What are your goals right now? Does one of the books line up better with your goals? Which book could you get done first? Which one seems like you have the most content or is easiest to write? You learn the process, get it done, and start momentum. Move Forward in God’s Call to Write If you don’t have a copy yet, get your copy of our new book Kingdom Writers so that you can move forward in God’s call to write in your life here:
#313: Mentoring Moment: Unless the Lord Writes the Book
23/02/2022 Duração: 27minPsalm 127:1-2 - “Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted. Unless the Lord protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good. It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones.” Our workaholic society tells us to push and strain and strive in order to accomplish our goals. Many books have been written with this method…but at what cost and for what benefit? We also see many in the world today trying to protect all of the work they’ve accomplished in their own human strength. If we’re honest, we’ve all done this as if everything depends on us alone. It’s interesting to note that this Psalm is written by Solomon who wrote most of Proverbs, many of which instruct us to not be lazy and to work hard. Here, he’s looking at the issue of going it alone without including God in the picture. Whether it’s building houses or writing books, both are acceptable enterprises. They serve an i
#312: Importance of Community + Coaching for Kingdom Writers
17/02/2022 Duração: 07minWe believe in the power of being surrounded by like-minded writers in community while you write, publish, and market your book… …even if that community is online. We have been coaching and mentoring writers online for over a decade and have seen the power it has over and over again. Right now, our doors to Christian Book Academy are open. WooHoo!
#311: Encouragement and Prayer for the New Year
09/02/2022 Duração: 15minYou can still get a copy of our new book, Kingdom Writers, here: And enjoy this excerpt from our War Room prayer meeting call with our Christian Book Academy members in January. We pray it blesses you!
#310: Book Launch for Kingdom Writers
01/02/2022 Duração: 09minToday is the day we are launching our new book, Kingdom Writers. WooHoo! Get your copy today at an early-bird price (plus all the bonuses) here: This book has been in the works for over 2.5 years. We have been praying for you and believe it will help you move forward in your call to write. Here’s what a few writers are saying… “If you are a Christian and feel called to write a book, but maybe you're intimidated by the process, this book by Shelley and CJ Hitz was written for you. God is a God of story, and He has given us each a story to tell; some people are called to put that story in writing for the world to experience with us. Be encouraged with the practical tips in this book, by Shelley's own story, and also by the stories of other authors who have been in your shoes whom God has helped follow His plan for their lives.” - Katie Erickson, Editor, Designer, Author Kingdom Writers was written to inspire you to share your story. Everyone matters and everyone has a story to t
#308: Mentoring Moment: Believe the Impossible
26/01/2022 Duração: 23minIn Luke 1:5-38 we see two different people visited by the angel Gabriel. Each was presented with something impossible which would be accomplished by God. One was a priest who had an extensive religious experience. The other was a teenage girl who had very little life experience, let alone religious experience. Ironically, it was the one with extensive religious experience who didn’t believe the angel’s words while the teenage girl believed the impossible. How about you and I? If we’re honest, we’ve all identified with Zechariah’s response when faced with the impossible. Do we really believe God can birth books through our lives that many times feel barren of words? Like Mary, may we find ourselves saying, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” (Luke 1:38) Your Writing Battle Plan Powerful things happen when you integrate your faith with your writing, publishing, and marketing. Learn how to create your writing battle plan so you can move forward in God's call on your life
#309: Join Our Secret Book Launch Party Podcast
25/01/2022 Duração: 03minGet access now here: It’s hard to believe it, but… …CJ and I just finished our 70th book. It’s called, “Kingdom Writers” and it’s been in the works for almost 2.5 years so it’s soooo good to finally be birthing it into the world. Yay! Are you in the process of writing, publishing or marketing your book? If so, you’ll want to make sure you get a copy of this book. It officially launches on February 1st with an early bird discount and special launch bonuses. So stay tuned. This is going to be fun! An Out of the Box Book Launch For this book, we decided to do something different. We’ve never done this kind of book launch before. First of all, we created a secret book launch party via a private podcast where you can listen to an excerpt of the book, get behind the scenes tips, and lessons learned. I haven’t seen anyone do this for a book launch yet and am excited to share this with you. If you want access to our secret book launch party podcast, Sign up here: https://www
#307: Marketing Minute: Why Authors Need a Media Kit
19/01/2022 Duração: 04minThe goal of a media kit is to have one place where people can find your information. This can be used for guest blog posts, podcast interviews, speaking engagements, etc. When the media calls and/or when opportunities open up…will you be ready? Enjoy this short episode that is an excerpt from a recent Media Kit Workshop we hosted for Christian Book Academy members. As a member, you get access to our Media Kit template and checklist. Get on our waiting list here: Marketing Templates to Save You Time and Money You’ve got a book you’re proud of. Now you’re looking for a simpler way to get it into the hands of more readers. One way you can do that is through social media. It's free to use...however, it can also take up a lot of your time. Good news! You can get your social media posts for the next month done in just 90 minutes so that you can reach more readers with your book (without being pushy or salesy) in the Mini-Marketing Messages workshop here: https://minimarketingmessage
#306: Publish with a Purpose: One Mistake to Avoid When Self-Publishing Your Book
12/01/2022 Duração: 06minThere are so many decisions when self-publishing or independently publishing a book. In this episode, you’ll learn one mistake to avoid when working with graphic designers who create your book cover and/or interior formatting. This episode was inspired from a question from Christian Book Academy member, Nancy, and we hope it helps you as well! Download Your Publishing Map If you want to write and publish a book but don't know where to start, this Publishing Map is for you. You will learn Shelley's 9 simple steps inside her publishing map that will help you gain clarity on your next steps. Download it now for free here:
#305: Writing Well: 3 Ways to Write a 10,000 Word Book
05/01/2022 Duração: 09minDo you want to write a book but you're just not sure how you're going to fit it into your schedule or if you have time to actually do it? Keep watching because in the next few minutes I'm going to share with you three different ways to finish a 10,000-word book. I see writers getting stuck in the stage of trying to write their first draft. What I have found is there are three main categories you may fit in where you can actually get your book done and your first draft out of your head and onto paper in a much faster time than you ever imagined. Let’s do a little math together (I promise it won’t make you cry). Then, let me know which way you think would work best for you.