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  • Duração: 337:31:57
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Bible Study with Jairus. Jairus means God gives light or Receiving light. In Mark Chapter 5, Jesus heals his daughter. Jesus told him Do not be afraid -- only believe. What an encouragement!


  • 睚鲁每日经文2024年3月12日.MP3

    12/03/2024 Duração: 01min

    睚鲁每日经文2024年3月12日,路加福音十二章十节,凡说话抵挡人子的,还能得赦免。唯独亵渎圣灵的不能得赦免。我们最近在讨论什么是亵渎圣灵的罪啊。圣经中提到我们常常抵挡圣灵,欺侮圣灵,加拉太书6章讲的这个不是亵渎圣灵。亵渎圣灵是主耶稣讲到这些法利赛人明明知道耶稣是靠着神的灵赶鬼却把他们亵渎为靠着邪灵赶鬼,是鬼王别西卜。所以这个是亵渎圣灵。为什么抵挡人子还能赦免呢?我们也讨论到,因为人子里面有宝血,祂是道成肉身,但在旧约亵渎天父都是无法赦免,那么新约中也是亵渎圣灵,无法赦免。所以我们要借着耶稣基督的宝血,来到神的面前。 #圣经 #睚鲁 #BIBLE #CHRISTIAN #基督徒 #睚鲁每日经文 #睚鲁的圣经世界 #路加福音

  • 睚鲁谈美国基督教的大复兴和川普提到的2024年11月5日大复兴开始 Merged - 字幕版

    11/03/2024 Duração: 09min

    睚鲁认为川普具有神的恩膏,是一个受膏者。他认为川普在政治上的胜利将有助于信仰的复兴,特别是基督教的复兴。他认为对于新中国联邦来说,政治和信仰同样重要,两者相辅相成。所以他呼吁更多基督徒认识到在政治建设中的重要性,并强调信仰的建设对于新中国联邦的成功同样至关重要。 所以对于新中国联邦来讲,一方面我们要参与政治层面的建设,另外一方面,我们要参与信仰方面的建设。所以我最近也提到,我们新中国联邦的战友,我们有两重的恩膏。一种恩膏就是政治上的恩膏,另外一种是信仰上的恩膏,能够在这个建设之中,能够打破这种反对神的邪恶的政治,以及撒旦的这个狗腿子、共产党对我们的压制啊。所以他是两方面非常重要的,没有政治上的建设,没有新中国联邦这个平台,没有文贵先生和联盟的领导,我们基督徒是没有发声的空间的。因为你是秀才遇到兵,有理说不清,人家拆你的十字架,把你关起来,你真的根本就是没有还手之力。因为我们必须要借助政治上的这种力量来做出信仰的建设,而且我们要参与。所以我们呼吁更多的基督徒认识到神在新中国联邦身上的旨意,能够勇敢的加入到新中国联邦的队伍里来。那另外一方面,我们战友真的要认识到,如果我没有信仰的建设,没有高举上帝、高举耶稣基督,我们在新中国联邦的建设程度上会遇到困难,因为这是两件并驾齐驱的事。 #圣经 #基督徒 #爆料革命 #盾牌 #睚鲁 #新中国联邦 #民主 #中国

  • Daily Verse With Jairus March 11 2024.MP3

    11/03/2024 Duração: 59s

    Daily Verse With Jairus March 11 2024, Luke chapter 11 verse 13. If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” Of course in Matthew, it talks about the same thing but it mentioned the good stuff. But here mention the Holy Spirit if we ask the Father to give us the Holy Spirit we will not be given in to the evil spirit. In many evangelical church circles, at least in some Chinese churches, they were very afraid to receive the Holy Spirit. They threaten or they intimidate the believers saying if you are open to the Holy Spirit you may receive evil spirit. It is not true! If we ask the Father, the Father will give us the Holy Spirit! #bible #christianity #jesus #biblestudy #dailyversewithjairus #blestudywithjairus

  • 睚鲁每日经文2024年3月11日.MP3

    11/03/2024 Duração: 01min

    睚鲁每日经文2024年3月11日,路加福音十一章13节,你们虽然不好,尚且知道把好东西给儿女,何况天上的父呢?岂不更将圣灵给求他的人吗?当然在马太福音讲到这个故事的时候,圣经提到是岂不把好东西给他的人吗?当我们求鸡蛋的时候,神不会给我们蝎子或者蛇的。那在路加福音讲到,圣灵是天父赐给我们最好的礼物,当我们祈求天父,将圣灵赐给我们的时候,天父一定会答应我们的要求。所以这个赐给我们活活的信心,让我得了信心,当我祈求得着圣灵的时候,天父一定会将圣灵赐给我,不会赐给我邪灵。所以很多人有这样的恐惧,怕向圣灵敞开的时候,邪灵进来,这是完全没有必要的。 #圣经 #睚鲁 #BIBLE #CHRISTIAN #基督徒 #睚鲁每日经文 #睚鲁的圣经世界 #路加福音

  • Daily Verse With Jairus March 9 2024.MP3

    09/03/2024 Duração: 59s

    Daily Verse With Jairus March 9 2024. Luke 19:62 Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” When I was a child I always used a plow and some animals, like horse to work in a field because I was from a former's family. You can never put your hand on the plow and look back otherwise your crops will be damaged. This is about focus... Christian need to focus today. So many Christians, they are not to say, ok, I don't want to love the Lord but they cannot focus. If we cannot focus, we don't have time to pray, we don't have time to exercise our spirit, we cannot live in the presence of the kingdom of God. #bible #christianity #jesus #biblestudy #dailyversewithjairus #blestudywithjairus

  • 睚鲁每日经文2024年3月9日 (2)

    09/03/2024 Duração: 59s

    睚鲁每日经文2024年3月9日,路加福音九章62节,耶稣说,手扶着梨向后看的,没有一个适合于神的国。小时候我们在农村种地啊,有这个马呀牛啊,拉着犁特别是在这个地里面啊,玉米地,或者说其他的地里面来耕田的时候,你扶着犁,你没法向后看的。你向后看,这个牛会把这个这个植物啊踩倒啊,或者犁头会把这个植物弄倒啊。他这是表明一种专注,很多人很多基督徒属灵的问题,就是不能专注,然后被太多的事物打岔,连祷告的生活都失去了。所以当我们缺少这种专注的能力之后,我们往往没有神的国的实际,不要说将来,今天我们就很难活在国度的喜乐和实际里面。#圣经 #睚鲁 #BIBLE #CHRISTIAN #基督徒 #睚鲁每日经文 #睚鲁的圣经世界 #路加福音

  • 03 08 2024 《我的诗歌》第37期《空谷的回声》 主持人 天雨 嘉宾: 睚鲁 导播:光中行者

    09/03/2024 Duração: 01h11min

    《我的诗歌》第三十七期《空谷的回音》主持人:天雨 嘉宾:睚鲁 亲爱的朋友

  • 睚鲁每日经文2024年3月8日.MP3

    08/03/2024 Duração: 59s

    睚鲁每日经文2024年3月8日。路加福音第八章18节。所以你们要留心怎样听;因为凡有的还要加给他,凡没有的,连他自以为有的也要从他夺去。这个不是我们所想的这种,你越穷越剥夺你啊,越富越有钱,这种的逻辑啊。他不是在讲这个。他是在讲一个心态,一种骄傲的心态,当你越骄傲,越觉得自己有的时候,特别是属灵的事情,神就把你有的就夺去,你越谦卑,越觉得自己没有的时候,越渴慕得着的时候,神就越赐给你。那我们多次讲,就是美国基督徒面临一个难处,就是把熟悉,就是自以为知道神,等于亲密,然后慢慢觉得自己就有了,骄傲了,就失去了神的同在。 #圣经 #睚鲁 #BIBLE #CHRISTIAN #基督徒 #睚鲁每日经文 #睚鲁的圣经世界 #路加福音

  • 2024年3月08日 NEWS TALK 题目:最高法判川普上选票 川普称大复兴2024年11月5日开始 主持:睚鲁 嘉宾:文一 艾诗仁

    08/03/2024 Duração: 01h49s

    2024年3月08日 #新中国联邦 #爆料革命 #新闻访谈 NEWS TALK 题目:最高法判 #川普 上选票 川普称大复兴2024年11月5日开始 主持:睚鲁 嘉宾:文一 艾诗仁,我们今天讨论了最高法判决川普可以上选票,否决了科罗拉多州的法院的判决,川普对此表示,这件事情是今后100年和200年要继续谈论的重大事件,选民应该来决定哪个候选人当选,而不是某个竞选对手觉得要把对手搞下去,就用司法武器来把对方赶出去。这是司法武器化。川普也表示,美国总统应该获得豁免权,这不仅针对他,而且针对所有总统,否则总统都不愿意担责,因为很多时候要做出艰难的决定,有些决定对,有些决定可能错误。#塔克卡尔森 和 #班农 表示,黑暗势力有暗杀川普的企图。 #睚鲁表示,使徒行传:4:25你曾借着圣灵,托你仆人我们祖宗大卫的口,说,“外邦为什么吼闹,万民为什么谋算虚妄的事?4:26地上的君王一齐起来,臣宰也聚集在一起,要抵挡主并祂的受膏者。”希律和本丢彼拉多,同外邦人和以色列民,果真在这城里聚集,要抵挡你所膏的圣仆耶稣,” 不仅耶稣受到万邦的抵挡,任何神的受膏者,包括川普都会受到抵挡,新中国联邦身上也有神的恩膏,但是任何抵挡都不会成功,因为这是上帝的旨意。这个抵挡在政治层面上的角力是表面的,背后的实质是拦阻神释放大复兴来到这个世界。美国如何,世界如何,美国好像一个火车头,川普当选之后,基督徒会受到极大的鼓舞,正如川普所言,2024年1月5日,基督教大复兴会开始。感谢 #北美保守评论 制作的川普视频字幕。

  • Daily Verse With Jairus March 7 2024.MP3

    07/03/2024 Duração: 58s

    Daily Verse With Jairus March 7 2024. Luke chapter 7 verse 47. Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven — for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little.” Should we love Jesus more or should we be forgiven more? Which one goes first? Like does chicken go first or does egg go first? No, it's the mutual process. If we are forgiven more, if we touch the mercy of the Lord, we will surely love the Lord more. And if we are forgiven more we will, you know love the Lord more. If on the other hand, if we don't experience the tender mercy of the Lord, we cannot love the Lord that much. So that's a mutual process, so we need touch the mercy of the Lord. #bible #christianity #jesus #biblestudy #dailyversewithjairus #blestudywithjairus

  • 睚鲁每日经文2024年3月7日 (2)

    07/03/2024 Duração: 59s

    睚鲁每日经文2024年3月7日,路加福音7章47节,所以我告诉你,她许多的罪都赦免了,因为她爱的多,但那赦免少的,他爱的就少。这个背景就是法利赛人西门请主吃饭,看见一个罪人,就是一个女子,然后在用头发洗耶稣的脚,拿香膏来抹耶稣的脚。那么西门就心里定罪这个女人,而且呢说如果主是先知,主就知道这是个罪人,所以主当然是先知了,就知道这个事情,就对西门说,因为这个女人经历的赦免的多,所以她爱的多。西门经历的赦免少,所以他爱的少。这就是一个吊诡的事情,就是当我们越经历神的怜悯和赦免的时候,其实就会激发我们里面对神的爱,而且激发我们对神的奉献。#圣经 #睚鲁 #BIBLE #CHRISTIAN #基督徒 #睚鲁每日经文 #睚鲁的圣经世界 #路加福音

  • Bible Study With Jairus - 2 Peter 1 (Part 1)

    06/03/2024 Duração: 28min

    Bible Study with Jairus—2 Peter 1-1 The Epistles of Peter Are His Reflection on the Lord’s Transfiguration Peter was the first apostle chosen by the Lord, and he was also one of Jesus’ inner circle of followers. Peter, James, and John were the only ones who were allowed to see Jesus’ transfiguration and to be near him in the Garden of Gethsemane. Peter’s spiritual journey was full of dramatic change as Jesus taught him and dealt with his weaknesses. Peter wrote two epistles that record these spiritual experiences, but many believers do not seem to have a firm grasp on Peter’s life. Believers study Paul’s writings and experiences, yet seem to neglect Peter’s. As I have studied Peter’s epistles with fellow brothers and sisters, I received some inspiration which I hope to share here. These inspirations are not original to me, but they are important for a deeper understanding of the Bible.

  • Bible Study With Jairus - 2 Peter 1 (Part 2)

    06/03/2024 Duração: 27min

    Bible Study with Jairus- 2 Peter 1 (Part 2) The Difference Between God's Disposition and God's Guidance In part one of our study of 2 Peter 1, I emphasized that the church needs the gifts of the apostles and prophets. The gifts of the apostles help believers understand God’s disposition and laws, while the gifts of prophets help believers understand God’s guidance. God's disposition and God's guidance are two different things, though they sometimes overlap. I hope this message will help us understand the difference between the two.

  • Bible Study With Jairus - 2 Peter 1 (Part 3)

    06/03/2024 Duração: 25min

    Bible Study with Jairus- 2 Peter 1 (Part 3) God’s Glory and Virtue Come from the Divinity and Humanity of Christ As we have seen in the last few studies, 2 Peter 1 is Peter’s reflection on his experience of Jesus’ transfiguration on the mountain. Peter shares his experiences in hopes that readers will be encouraged, challenged, matured, and perfected in their spiritual lives, just like he was through the original experience. In John 21, the Lord Jesus had charged Peter three times to tend His sheep. So he shares his experiences in order to nurture other believers.

  • Bible Study With Jairus - 2 Peter 1 (Part 4)

    06/03/2024 Duração: 20min

    Bible Study with Jairus-2 Peter 1-4 Supplement Faith with Virtue: Diligence is an Important Virtue Let's continue to explore how 2 Peter 1 explains the steps of spiritual growth. As we have studied before, our faith can be compared to a seed. As Peter discusses at the beginning of the chapter, we already possess God’s power, just like a seed already possesses all the potential to grow from an acorn into a full-grown oak tree. The seed of faith already contains all the power of the glory of God, as well as all the excellence of Christ (or virtue of Christ—these two words were used interchangeably). Yet even though we already have God’s power, we need to develop this power through faith. We are called to take hold of the glory and excellence of Christ. Because he has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness, as well as great and precious promises, we can progressively break free from the corruption that is in the lustful world and eventually become partakers in God's nature.

  • Bible Study With Jairus - 2 Peter 1 (Part 5)

    06/03/2024 Duração: 18min

    As we learned in a past lesson, Christ’s virtue is the water that nourishes the seed of our faith so the “tree” of spiritual life can take root in Christ. Today, we will extend that metaphor even further by thinking about a tree’s root system. A tree has a large, central taproot and many branching, fibrous roots. These fibrous roots absorb nutrients, water, and various elements that a tree needs to grow. These nutrients not only help the tree grow taller but also help the taproot grow deeper. Furthermore, the fibrous roots play an important role in supplementing the growth of the leaves and branches when the taproot is not strong enough.

  • Bible Study With Jairus - 2 Peter 1 (Part 7)

    06/03/2024 Duração: 21min

    As I mentioned in our last lesson, a life of patience is needed when dealing with others. We need to be patient with each other before we can develop into the mature Body of Christ. But in order to cultivate patience with one another (the branches), we need to strengthen the trunk (temperance). Before we can pursue unity within the body of Christ, we need to strengthen the trunk of temperance. Only then will we produce leaves (godliness), flowers (brotherly love), and fruit (agape love). Many efforts to unify the body of Christ have failed because the trunk (temperance) is still undeveloped.

  • Bible Study With Jairus - 2 Peter 1 (Part 6)

    06/03/2024 Duração: 20min

    In past lessons, we have learned how to nurture the seed of faith so that we can grow in our spiritual lives. First, we must water the seed of faith with virtue. This helps us grow a taproot that roots us deeply in our foundation, Christ Himself. Next, we must supply the seed with the knowledge of every saving truth of Jesus Christ. Every time we recognize a truth, we must apply that truth in our lives. The reality and nutrition contained in these truths can then be released and become our life supply. In this way, one truth at a time, we absorb the nutrition we need for our spiritual growth, just like the fibrous roots absorb one mineral at a time from the soil. These truths help sustain our spiritual growth while the taproot is not yet firmly established in the soil.

  • 睚鲁谈为什么要对付亚波罗的教训而且带进圣灵的浇灌

    06/03/2024 Duração: 08min

    睚鲁谈为什么要对付亚波罗的教训而且带进圣灵的浇灌。睚鲁指出保罗之所以对付亚波罗,是因为他意识到欧洲福音化的关键在于圣灵的浇灌、能力和恩赐。后来谈到圣灵的浇灌不仅是基督徒个人的得益,更是整个社会和教会复兴的关键,因为圣灵浇灌帮助突破一切观念的拦阻和肉体的拦阻。他呼吁每位基督徒敞开心扉,迎接圣灵的浇灌和恩赐,以便与神同工,在新一波复兴的浪潮中扮演重要角色。#bible #圣经 #基督徒 #爆料革命 #盾牌 #睚鲁 #新中国联邦 #郭文贵 #民主 #中国 #特朗普 #mega

  • 睚鲁谈保罗第二次宣教经历中学习到的内容 - 跟从圣灵的感动

    06/03/2024 Duração: 15min

    睚鲁谈保罗第二次宣教经历中学习到的内容就是跟从圣灵的感动。首先睚鲁分享了在地方教会和其他教会学习的经历,强调了从不同观点和环境中学习的重要性。睚鲁指出华人教会中的彼此攻讦和误会是对福音事工的阻碍,呼吁基督徒要打破思维限制,敞开心扉迎接圣灵的浇灌。通过对圣经、圣灵的感动和环境的引领的认识,他分享了自己在离开地方教会后的经历,强调了跟随神引导的重要性。这一切都是为了让基督的身体能够更加合一,迎接神的新时代的工作。#bible #圣经 #基督徒 #爆料革命 #盾牌 #睚鲁 #新中国联邦 #郭文贵 #民主 #中国 #特朗普 #mega

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