Espresso English Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 66:02:28
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Improve your English in just a few minutes a day! Learn English grammar, vocabulary, phrases, idioms, and more.


  • 194 - Answers to your questions about phrasal verbs

    19/12/2018 Duração: 04min

    Phrasal verbs are very common in everyday spoken English - and many students ask me about the definitions of phrasal verbs they've heard in conversations, TV shows, or movies. Today I'm going to explain five phrasal verbs that you might not know yet: square away, step up, space out, blow over, and swear off. If you come across (encounter) a phrasal verb that you can't understand, please e-mail me and I'll explain it in a future lesson. Do you want to see how native English speakers use phrasal verbs in conversation? Take my Phrasal Verbs in Conversation Course! The course will help you learn more than 500 common phrasal verbs in English. You can see how the phrasal verbs are used AND practice them with the exercises included in each lesson. You can try a free sample here, and sign up for the course here.

  • 193 - Three different ways to pronounce CC in English

    12/12/2018 Duração: 04min

    I've noticed a pronunciation mistake that many students make when they say words like "succeed" and "successful." There are actually 3 different ways to pronounce CC in English! Today we're going to practice saying 26 words with CC. Listen and try to repeat after me. Listening and repeating - like you did in today's lesson - is one of the best ways to improve your pronunciation! With time and practice, your pronunciation will get closer to a native English speaker's. I've created two courses to help you practice your pronunciation: the American English Pronunciation Course and Shadowing with Shayna. I recommend taking them together, because the Pronunciation course focuses more on individual sounds, and in Shadowing with Shayna you can practice whole phrases/sentences. Both of them include an evaluation at the end, where you can record your speaking and I'll comment on your pronunciation!

  • 192 - Business English Vocabulary Quiz

    05/12/2018 Duração: 06min

    Today you can test your knowledge of 10 common business English terms. This quiz only taught you 10 words and expressions... but you can learn hundreds more words and phrases inside my Business English Course! The course will teach you practical English for work. You'll learn day-to-day vocabulary for interacting with clients and co-workers, as well as specific words in the areas of management, marketing, finance, and much more. You can try a free sample lesson here, and register for the course here.

  • 191 - Learn English from the News: The growing tradition of Friendsgiving

    28/11/2018 Duração: 06min

    We recently had the holiday of Thanksgiving in the United States. Most people celebrate it with their families, but there's a growing tradition of also celebrating "Friendsgiving" - and that's the topic of this week's lesson. Click here to learn 15 vocabulary words/expressions from the article! I hope you've enjoyed my series of English in the news videos in November! If you want to learn more from me, consider joining one of my courses. I've created courses to help you improve all your skills - from speaking to reading to understanding idioms. You can take free samples of all my courses here.

  • 190 - Learn English from the News: Social Media and Depression

    21/11/2018 Duração: 05min

    Today’s article is about social media and mental health. This one is written in a more casual style, so it has some informal expressions we can learn. I’m going to teach you 15 words and expressions from this news article. I know many of you enjoy listening to my voice as I teach you English - and that's great! But do you have difficulty understanding other English speakers, who may speak faster or with a different accent? It's important to improve your listening comprehension so that you can understand anyone who speaks English - and I've created a Listening Course to help you do that! The course includes a variety of voices and accents, and both slow and fast audio to help you build confidence. You can click here to learn more about the Listening Course.

  • 189 - English in the News: A problem with the cute baby bear video

    14/11/2018 Duração: 06min

    You might have seen a video on social media about a bear cub (that's a baby bear) trying very hard to scale (climb) a snow-covered mountain and eventually succeeding. A lot of people liked that video... but today's article talks about a potential problem with it. In this lesson I'm going to teach you 24 vocabulary words that are important in understanding the text. Do you want more practice reading and understanding articles in English? My new Reading Course will help you improve your comprehension and learn and practice new vocabulary. The lessons in the course are based on articles about various topics in history, science, and culture. They are designed to challenge you, teach you, and build confidence in your reading skills. You can click here to learn more about the Reading Course! Best wishes, Shayna 

  • 188 - Learn English from the News: Google Employees Protest Sexual Harassment Policies

    09/11/2018 Duração: 06min

    This month, I'm bringing you a very special series of videos in which you can learn English from the news. Every week, I'll choose a current news topic and teach you key vocabulary and phrases in the context of the article. This week's lesson is based on an article about employees of Google protesting their company's policies about sexual harassment. You can read the original news here, and then watch my video explanation of 20 vocabulary words from the article!

  • 187 - 10 English words with alternative pronunciation

    17/10/2018 Duração: 05min

    The English language has a lot of regional variations and different accents - and there are some words with two different (but correct) ways to pronounce them!The English language has a lot of regional variations and different accents - and there are some words with two different (but correct) ways to pronounce them! Lesson text: In today's lesson, you'll learn some of the most common ones - like aunt, caramel, and route. So, which way should you say these words? You can choose whichever way you think sounds best... or whichever way other native English speakers around you tends to say them. One of the most important aspects of English fluency is to pronounce words clearly, so that other people can understand you easily. And you don't want to make embarrassing mistakes like pronouncing the word "sheet" like "shit"! You can improve your pronunciation by taking my American English Pronunciation Course. It has lots of listen-and-re

  • 186 - Wait or await? Sleep or asleep? Wake or awake?

    10/10/2018 Duração: 07min

    Do you know the difference between wait and await, sleep and asleep, and wake and awake? These words seem simple, but there are some small grammatical differences in the way we use them in sentences. Take today's lesson to find out how to use them all correctly. Lesson text: Small mistakes like saying "await for" often don't affect communication; however, they show that you're not a native English speaker. This is why I want to help you understand how to use similar and confusing words correctly - so that your English can have fewer mistakes and become more fluent! My e-book 600+ Confusing English Words Explained describes many of the most common errors English learners make, and shows you the right way to use these words. I think you'll find it very helpful :-)

  • 185 - 5 phrasal verbs with BREAK

    03/10/2018 Duração: 06min

    Today you’re going to learn the difference between break in, break out, break down, break up, and break through. Some of these phrasal verbs have multiple meanings. Lesson text: It can be very hard to remember the meanings of phrasal verbs if you just study lists and definitions. That's why in my lessons, I always try to give you real examples of the phrasal verbs used in sentences! In my Phrasal Verbs in Conversation Course, you can learn more than 500 phrasal verbs in the context of dialogues. It's a fun and natural way to learn these essential elements of the English language.

  • 184 - Sometimes, sometime, or some time?

    26/09/2018 Duração: 04min

    Today I want to clear up some confusion around the words sometime, sometimes, and some time.  Are they all the same? No! These words have different meanings and uses. Take today's lesson to find out how to use each one of them correctly. Lesson text:  Can you make your own example sentences with all three? It’s important to put what you’re learning into practice! My English courses can help you do that – many of them have quizzes and practice exercises, and in some cases you can send in your answers for evaluation: Short answer exercises with correction: Phrasal Verbs Course, Idioms Course, Vocabulary Builder Courses Writing tasks with correction: Advanced English Grammar Course Speaking tasks with correction: Everyday English Speaking Courses These are extremely valuable opportunities to get direct feedback on your English from a teacher!

  • 183 - Four English expressions that don't seem to make sense

    19/09/2018 Duração: 06min

    Some informal and idiomatic expressions in English just don't seem to make sense. In today’s lesson, I’ll explain four phrases that my students have asked me about: nothing to sneeze at there'll be hell to pay to each his own a far cry from Don’t try to translate or understand these phrases literally – that’s a common mistake among language learners. If you try to understand it word by word, it won’t make sense. Instead, you need to understand each phrase as a whole unit, with a particular meaning. Lesson text:  You can see how each of these expressions is difficult to understand by itself, but easier to learn if you have an example situation where it would be used. This is why I highly recommend learning phrases in context, not just trying to memorize lists of phrases and definitions, and my Everyday English Speaking Course Level 2 can help you do that. The lessons are based on more advanced conversations that are full

  • 182 - Three spelling/pronunciation changes that completely change the word

    12/09/2018 Duração: 05min

    There are many English words that have similar spellings and pronunciations, and it’s common for English learners to use the wrong one. Today I’m going to teach you three examples of how small differences can change the meaning of the word completely. We're going to practice these: college / collage / colleague message / massage course / curse Pay close attention to make sure you’re saying and writing these words correctly! Lesson text:  As you can see, a small pronunciation mistake can result in a big change in meaning. This is why it’s important to have good pronunciation in English. Remember that excellent pronunciation isn’t something you can get overnight – it takes lots of practice and training. You can get some of that training in my Pronunciation and Shadowing Courses, which have lots of opportunities to listen and repeat. When you’re confident that your pronunciation is good, you can speak Engli

  • 181 - English vocabulary for a road trip

    05/09/2018 Duração: 05min

    I’ve just gotten back from a road trip with my family, and I’m going to use this opportunity to teach you some vocabulary for driving and traveling by car. Lesson text:  To learn more vocabulary that’s organized by topic, you can join my Vocabulary Builder Courses, which will teach you hundreds of useful words. Level 1 of the course covers topics like daily life, work & study, travel & entertainment, people & ideas, and society & the world. Level 2 of the course is more advanced and will teach you deeper, more complex, and more colorful vocabulary.

  • 180 - Six grammar mistakes you might be making

    29/08/2018 Duração: 06min

    In today’s lesson I’m going to show you six mistakes that real students of mine have made – and you might be making, too! The purpose of this lesson is not to make you feel bad about those mistakes, but instead to learn from them. Lesson text: One problem with language learning is that if you make a fairly minor mistake that doesn’t affect communication, native speakers often don’t correct you because they understood what you meant in general and they don’t want to make you feel bad by pointing out an error in your grammar. And then you might go on making the same mistake for months or even years! If you want to get your English corrected, join my Advanced English Grammar Course, which includes writing tasks that you can send me for feedback.

  • 179 - Eight English idioms from Shakespeare

    22/08/2018 Duração: 05min

    William Shakespeare was a poet and playwright who lived in the 16th century. He is regarded as one of the greatest writers in the history of the English language. You might know him as the author of the famous “Romeo and Juliet.” Many of the English idioms we use to this day were invented or popularized by Shakespeare – you’ll learn eight of them in this lesson! Lesson text:  To learn more idioms, join my 300+ English Idioms Course.

  • 178 - How to pronounce recipe, receipt, debt, and debit

    15/08/2018 Duração: 04min

    Today I want to teach you the correct way to say four words that I often hear students mispronouncing or confusing: recipe, receipt, debt, and debit. Listen and repeat to practice your pronunciation, so that you can be confident you're pronouncing these words correctly and not mixing them up! Lesson text: A lot of English learners want to know the “rules” of English pronunciation, but unfortunately it’s hard to teach any rules since the pronunciation is so irregular. There are some trends and patterns in English pronunciation, but there are SO many exceptions. In my opinion, it’s better to train your pronunciation by listening and repeatingafter a native speaker, not by trying to memorize rules. You can get a lot of listen-and-repeat practice inside my courses on Pronunciation and Shadowing.

  • 177 - 30 English collocations with TEST

    08/08/2018 Duração: 05min

    Today we’re going to take a closer look at the word TEST – specifically the collocations (common combinations of words) that are often used with “test.” Learning collocations like these can make it easier for you to put together phrases and sentences in English. Lesson text: You can learn a lot more inside my e-book, which will teach you 1000 collocations in 10 minutes a day. It has short lessons and quizzes that you can easily complete even if you don’t have lots of time to study.

  • 176 - Three casual conversational expressions

    01/08/2018 Duração: 04min

    Have you noticed that when you listen to informal English conversations, you hear some expressions that you can't understand? Today I’m going to teach you three casual conversational expressions, what they mean, and how to use them: quite a bit might as well just my luck! Lesson text: To continue learning lots of informal English from conversations, check out my Everyday English Speaking Course Level 2.  The lessons are based on dialogues that are full of informal expressions, so you can learn them in context. This course is great for upper-intermediate and advanced English learners. It will help you improve your understanding of conversational English and learn a lot of great new expressions that native English speakers use.

  • 175 - Careless or carefree?

    25/07/2018 Duração: 03min

    In today's lesson I want to clarify the difference between the confusing words careless and carefree. It’s easy to mix them up, but they have quite different meanings and connotations. Lesson text: I hope this lesson has helped you understand the difference! For more explanations of confusing words, check out my e-book, 600+ Confusing English Words Explained. It will teach you the differences between similar – but different – words such as averse and adverse, specially and especially, and many more.

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