Espresso English Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 66:02:28
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Improve your English in just a few minutes a day! Learn English grammar, vocabulary, phrases, idioms, and more.


  • 14 Business English "Buzzwords"

    30/09/2020 Duração: 04min

    Today you're going to learn 14 business English “buzzwords” – informal expressions that you might hear at work or in a professional context. I'll tell you a little story that will teach you expressions like: push the envelope a shoestring budget streamline pitch an idea the lion's share ...and more There are tons of these informal expressions used in the business world, and my Business English Course includes several lessons about business idioms. You'll also learn practical phrases and vocabulary for phone calls, meetings, presentations, negotiation, networking, customer service, and more. Click here to see the lesson list!

  • Worse vs. Worst (+ Expressions)

    23/09/2020 Duração: 06min

    Today I’m going to teach you how to use worse and worst correctly. Even some native English speakers confuse these words!   After taking this lesson, you’ll understand the difference clearly - and you'll also learn a few expressions with each one.   The opposite of worse is better, and I'm here to help your English get better! You can learn more when you join one of my online courses. At Espresso English, you can improve all your English skills - from grammar to vocabulary, speaking, listening, reading, and much more. I hope you enjoyed today's lesson, and I hope to see you inside a course!

  • 12 advanced vocabulary words for colors

    16/09/2020 Duração: 05min

    Do you know what color these words describe: maroon, fuchsia, hazel, and ivory? You probably learned simple colors like red, yellow, and blue in your first year of English... but the language has a lot more color words than these basic ones! Today you'll learn 12 interesting vocabulary words for colors. One quick note: Online, you'll often find very long lists of color words - but many of those are NOT in used in everyday English... they are typically used to describe different colors of paint, nail polish, or makeup, but they are not common in daily life. The words I'll teach you today are some of the more common ones. Expanding your vocabulary is a great way to become more fluent in English - because when you know more words, you can express yourself better and say exactly what you want to say. I created two great courses to help you improve your vocabulary - they're called the Vocabulary Builder Course Level 1 and Level 2. You'll learn and practice more than 1000 useful words in each level! Level 1

  • Mini-Course Lesson 5: 20 ways to use the word SET in English

    11/09/2020 Duração: 14min

    ⭐ Download the worksheet: ✔️ Read the lesson text: ❤️ Free sample lessons from my courses: Hello students! Today is the final day of our mini-course on words with multiple meanings – I hope you’ve been enjoying it. Our multiple-meaning word of the day is SET. You'll learn how it's used as a verb, noun, and adjective. We'll also learn phrasal verbs like set aside vs. set apart, and idioms like dead set, not set in stone, and set the record straight. We’ve now reached the end of this mini-course – can you believe it? In just 5 days you’ve learned over 100 different ways to use the words run, get, break, cut, and set. I know it’s a lot of information to take in, so I’d recommend reviewing all the lessons to remind yourself of all the meanings. To continue learning, you can keep following my free lessons by e-mail, or on YouTube – but if you have your heart set on becoming flu

  • Mini-Course Lesson 4: 20 ways to use the word CUT in English

    10/09/2020 Duração: 12min

    ⭐ Download the worksheet: ✔️ Read the lesson text: ❤️ SUBSCRIBE to get new lessons on YouTube! Hi there! It's lesson 4 of our mini-course on words with multiple meanings, and we're going to focus on the word CUT. Today you'll learn 20 ways to use it - from different definitions, to phrasal verbs (cut back, cut off, cut out, etc.) to idioms (cut corners, cut your losses, cut to the chase, etc.) ▶ Free E-Book: 500 Real English Phrases: ▶ Espresso English Courses on Speaking, Vocabulary, Grammar, Pronunciation, & more! ▶ Free Samples: ⭐️ Get a 50% discount when you join the Complete Program! ⭐️ 600+ lessons - --------------------------------------- FOLLOW ESPRESSO ENGLISH TO LEARN ENGLISH FASTER! - Espresso English Website:

  • Mini-Course Lesson 3: 20 ways to use the word BREAK in English

    09/09/2020 Duração: 13min

    ⭐ Download the worksheet: ✔️ Read the lesson text: Hi students! It's day 3 of our mini-course all about words with multiple meanings, and our word today is BREAK. Get ready to learn lots of different ways to use this word in English. 1. The basic and most common definition is to damage something and separate it into pieces. Yesterday I was washing the dishes and I accidentally dropped a glass, and it broke. If you break your arm or break your leg, it means the bone has separated into pieces - ouch! You can break something by accident, as in the example of dropping a glass, or you can break it on purpose - if I have a big chocolate bar I want to give to three kids, I would break the chocolate into three pieces. 2. We also use break when something stops working, stops being functional, even if it's not physically in pieces. If your printer keeps showing an error message, and it won't print, you could

  • Mini-Course Lesson 2: 20 ways to use the word GET in English

    08/09/2020 Duração: 12min

    ⭐ Download the worksheet: ✔️ Read the lesson text: Hello students, and welcome to day 2 of our mini-course on words with multiple meanings! Yesterday’s word was RUN, and today we’ll focus on GET. Again – a very common word, but one that is extremely versatile – this means it can be used in lots of different ways. You already know the basic meaning of GET, but today you’re going to learn 20+ more ways to use it. Let’s get started: ▶ Free E-Book: 500 Real English Phrases: ▶ Espresso English Courses on Speaking, Vocabulary, Grammar, Pronunciation, & more! ▶ Free Samples: ⭐️ Get a 50% discount when you join the Complete Program! ⭐️ 600+ lessons - --------------------------------------- FOLLOW ESPRESSO ENGLISH TO LEARN ENGLISH FASTER! - Espresso English Website: ht

  • Mini-Course Lesson 1: 25 ways to use the word RUN in English

    07/09/2020 Duração: 15min

    ⭐ Download the worksheet: ✔️ Read the lesson text: Hi students! Today is the first day of our 5-day mini-course about English words with multiple meanings. In this mini-course, we’re going to look at 5 VERY common words and learn a total of 100 different ways to use them. This will improve your ability to express yourself in English, because you’ll discover lots of new ways to use some words you already know. Here’s how the course works: each daily lesson will focus on one word, and I’ll teach you various meanings of that word in English, as well as how it’s used in some expressions and phrasal verbs. After you watch the video, make sure to do the exercises so that you can review what you’ve learned and put it into practice! Practicing is the key to remembering these words and expressions so that you can actually use them when you speak English. Multiple Meanings Of RUN Today’s word is RUN. This simp

  • Free Mini-Course - Words with Multiple Meanings!

    02/09/2020 Duração: 02min

    Today I want to invite you to join a FREE mini-course starting soon – all about English words with many different meanings and uses. During your English studies, you may have seen lists of the most common English words – they’re simple words that we use VERY frequently, like run, set, play, and so on. You already know what they mean, right?   But here’s the problem: These common words have MULTIPLE meanings. In fact, if you check the dictionary, some of these words have hundreds of different definitions!   So you already know their basic meanings… but you probably aren’t familiar with all the various ways we use these words in English.   For example, you know the basic meaning of the word cut. But what does it mean to “cut someone off” or “cut to the chase” or “make a cutting remark”?   You know the basic meaning of the word play. But do you understand when someone says “it’s a play for sympathy” or “Let’s see how this plays out”?   When you’re learning English, studying individual words and memorizing basic

  • Agree with, agree on, agree about, agree that, or agree to?

    26/08/2020 Duração: 06min

    One place I see a lot of students making mistakes is in using the verb agree. Specifically, which preposition to use after it: Do you agree on something or agree with something or agree to something? We actually use ALL of these in English - but in different situations. So today you'll learn 5 ways to use the verb agree correctly, with example sentences. It's really easy to make these little mistakes when you're learning English, and it's hard to discover and correct your own errors! As an teacher, I see a lot of the same mistakes being made frequently by students - and that's why I created the 200 common errors in English course. Inside this course, you'll learn the most common mistakes in grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation - so that you can recognize them and avoid them. This is one of my newest courses at Espresso English, and students love it: "A great course. It's simple and clear. The best, most useful course I've taken so far. Thanks a lot." - Cesare "The curriculum, presentation, ex

  • 30 collocations with HAVE

    19/08/2020 Duração: 08min

    HAVE is one of the most common verbs in English, and we use this word in many different ways! In today's lesson, you'll learn 30 different collocations with have. These are the typical combinations of words that native speakers often use. I'll show you the collocations in example sentences. You can also create your own sentences using these collocations to help you remember them better. A lot of students tell me they know a lot of English words, but they have a hard time putting the words together. Learning collocations will help you put words together in a correct way... in a way that sounds natural. You can learn 1000 common collocations inside my e-book. What's great about this e-book is that each lesson is super-quick - it only takes about 5 minutes to read the text, and 5 minutes to do the quiz.

  • Question or doubt?

    12/08/2020 Duração: 06min

    Students often say, “I have a doubt” and then ask me something about English. However, native speakers DON'T usually say it this way. If you want to know the answer about something, you should say “I have a question.” So how can you use the word "doubt" correctly? You'll learn how - with lots of examples and expressions - in today's lesson!   When you're not exactly sure about the right word to use, it can make you lose confidence in your English skills, and then you hesitate to speak. But when you KNOW how to use English words correctly, then you will be able to speak and write without fear of mistakes! That's why I wrote the 600+ Confusing Words Explained E-Book - to help you understand these words clearly and use them correctly  :-) If you've ever hesitated because you're not sure about the differences between words like specially and especially, interfere and intervene, or distinct and distinctive - this e-book is for you.

  • How we pronounce CAN & CAN'T when speaking fast

    05/08/2020 Duração: 05min

    You might be thinking... why make a video about pronouncing CAN and CAN'T - that's so easy and obvious! But there are some pronunciation changes when native English speakers say these words fast. This lesson will help you understand can/can't better when you HEAR them, and it will also help you SAY these words more naturally in sentences. These pronunciation differences between can and can't are small but important... and native English pronunciation is FULL of these little details! If you want to improve your pronunciation so that you sound more like a native English speaker, come check out my American English Pronunciation Course. I'll take you through all the sounds of the language, and you can listen and repeat lots of words and sentences in order to help you speak more clearly and confidently.

  • 20 expressions with the word FREE

    29/07/2020 Duração: 06min

    Do you know what it means to have a "free spirit" or "free rein"? Is being a "freeloader" a good thing or a bad thing? Today you'll learn the answers to these questions and much more - I'll teach you 10 interesting expressions with the word "free." Expressions like "get off scot-free" and "give someone free rein" are examples of idioms - short phrases that can't be explained or translated literally. What's the best way to learn idioms, if you can't translate them literally? The best way is to learn them in context - by seeing real examples of when native English speakers would use each expression. I made a course that will teach you 300+ idioms in 30 days! Each lesson has 4 steps: You'll try to GUESS the meaning of each idiom from an example sentence You'll LEARN the correct meaning of each expression from my teaching You'll REVIEW the idioms by taking a quiz You'll PRACTICE using the idioms by answering questions You can take lesson 1 for free... ...and join the course to get all 30 lessons.

  • 20 collocations with the word "goal"

    22/07/2020 Duração: 04min

    In soccer, we don't say "make a goal," we say "score a goal." Outside of sports, we don't say "follow a goal," but we do say "pursue a goal" or "work towards a goal." Learn 20 collocations with the word "goal"!   "Collocations" are the common combinations of words that are frequently used by native speakers. These typical combinations of words can be hard to learn because often there are no rules that can help you know which words to use together - these expressions simply exist because people commonly use them in that way! However, you can learn collocations quickly and with the audio e-book 1000 English Collocations in 10 Minutes a Day. Each lesson presents common collocations on a specific topic, and includes a practice exercise.

  • Quick answers to your questions about idioms

    15/07/2020 Duração: 06min

    A lot of students ask me about phrases and idioms they've heard in conversations and TV shows. In today's lesson, I'm going to share the answers with you, explaining each expression with a few examples. Quick answers to your questions about idioms There are a lot of idioms in English... and sometimes even native English speakers come across expressions we don't know! So how do we figure them out? We interpret them from the context. Based on the situation in which the idiom is said, we make our best guess as to what the expression means. My 300+ English Idioms Course helps you do this, too! Instead of just telling you what the idioms mean, I have you use your head... each lesson starts with a quiz where you try to interpret the idioms in context. Then I explain them to clear up any doubts. Try it yourself with this free sample lesson   :-)

  • 10 practical phrases for worries and relief

    08/07/2020 Duração: 05min

    When you're worried, it's even harder to express yourself in English - but this lesson will help: 10 Practical English Phrases for Talking about Worries & Relief. These can help expand your vocabulary by going beyond the basic "I'm worried" and "I'm relieved." To learn more, join my Everyday English Speaking Course: 

  • 4 different ways to pronounce words starting with "U"

    01/07/2020 Duração: 04min

    Did you know that these words all have DIFFERENT ways to pronounce the "u" in the beginning? ultimate union urgent urine In today's lesson, you'll practice pronouncing English words starting with U. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation! Just like when you do exercise in the gym to improve your physical condition, doing pronunciation exercises improves your ability to speak English correctly! That's why my American English Pronunciation Course is full of practice. Whatever sounds you find difficult in English, this course will help you improve. By listening and repeating the words and sentences aloud, you'll train your mouth to say them clearly. If you're not able to join the Pronunciation Course, you can always use my YouTube videos to practice listening and repeating what I say.

  • DON'T use a preposition in these 5 situations!

    24/06/2020 Duração: 05min

    Prepositions like in, of, at, from, and to are used very frequently in English. However, there are some cases in which you SHOULDN'T use one – and in today's lesson, you'll learn 5 times you should not use a preposition.   This is one of my top grammar lessons on Espresso English. I hope you enjoy it!   English grammar can certainly be complicated... but I'll make it clear to you when you join my Advanced Grammar Course! The 45 lessons in this course will teach you all the verb tenses as well as adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, sentence structure, and other more complex topics. You also have the option to practice your writing, and send your texts for feedback and correction by a teacher on the Espresso English team. What if you're not yet advanced enough for that course? Then I'd recommend joining 200 Common Errors in English. You'll learn how to avoid the most common mistakes in grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling, and learning strategy.

  • Compliment vs. Complement vs. Complimentary vs. Complementary

    17/06/2020 Duração: 02min

    These two words are pronounced the same, but they are spelled differently and have different meanings! Lesson text: This is a free sample from the e-book 600+ Confusing English Words Explained. It will help clear up your doubts about how to use English words correctly, so that you can speak and write more confidently. Click here for more information.

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