
  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 211:10:48
  • Mais informações



Suomalainen Microsoftiin keskittynyt podcast.A Microsoft-centric podcast in Finnish.


  • #116: Modernin työn evankelistat

    07/09/2021 Duração: 01h32min

    Karoliina LinkedInissä ja TwitterissäSari LinkedInissä ja TwitterissäKaroliinan edellinen pyrähdys: #87: Karoliinan Teams-tilannekatsausSarin viime visiitti: #96: Valoa kansalle

  • #115T: Uusi Tietojenkäsittelyn Kategoria (tm)

    27/08/2021 Duração: 34min

    Microsoft unveils Windows 365 — ushering in a new category of computing - StoriesHow the JEDI Cancellation May Influence Future IT Contracts | IT Pro (itprotoday.com)Microsoft is Protesting a New Amazon NSA Contract Win. Of Course It Is - Thurrott.comAWS’s Egregious Egress (cloudflare.com)Immutable storage with versioning for Blob Storage is now in public preview | Azure updates | Microsoft AzureGeneral Availability: Azure Stream Analytics Tools for Visual Studio Code | Azure updates | Microsoft AzureA new day for SharePoint Server - SharePoint Server Subscription Edition preview (microsoft.com)New toolkit aims to help teams create responsible human-AI experiences - AI for Business (microsoft.com)

  • #114: Sekava kesähölpötys

    17/08/2021 Duração: 01h32min

    Vuoden 2021 kesäjakso on muiden kesäjaksojen tapaan silkkaa tiivistä asiaa. Aluksi potkaistaan homma liikenteeseen 40 minuutin tilannekatsauksella koronapandemiaan ja siitä seuranneeseen työn tapojen muutokseen. Tuon episodin jälkeen perataan Microsoft Cloud -käsitteen sisältö, ja lopuksi hiplataan vielä Cloud Native -terminologiaa ja Kubernetes-juttuja. Myös Saken sukunimen merkitys selviää. Hei, tästä on hyvä avata syyskausi - ensi kerralla taas uutisia ja sen jälkeen vieraitakin!

  • #113T: Windows 11 -studio

    23/07/2021 Duração: 41min

    Microsoft Windows 11 Livestream Event | MicrosoftWhat Windows 11 Means for Developers - Windows Developer BlogMicrosoft names CEO Satya Nadella as chairman | ReutersVisual Studio 2022 Preview 1 now available! | Visual Studio Blog (microsoft.com)Azure Cost Management and Billing updates – June 2021 | Azure Blog and Updates | Microsoft AzureEnabling hybrid solutions on any cloud, on any infrastructure, with Azure Arc partnersWhat's new? Release notes - Azure Active Directory | Microsoft Docs

  • #112: Design forevah

    06/07/2021 Duração: 01h32min

    Erkka LinkedInissä ja TwitterissäInteraction Design Foundation (IxDF)Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And DevelopersThe Definition of User Experience (UX)Don Norman: The term "UX" - YouTube

  • #111T: Pulleat Build-uutiset 2021

    04/06/2021 Duração: 45min

    Azure Static Web Apps is now generally available | Azure updates | Microsoft AzureMicrosoft is working on HoloLens 3, consumer version - MSPoweruserObservability for Event Stream Processing with Azure Functions, Event Hubs, and Application Insights | CSE Developer Blog (microsoft.com)SAP steps back from S/4HANA-on-Azure preference | CIOBuild-aiheetMicrosoft Build 2021 Book of NewsIntroducing Power Apps Ideas: AI-powered assistance now helps anyone create apps using natural language | Microsoft Power AppsMicrosoft Power Platform is the best way for teams to build together - Microsoft Power Platform BlogMicrosoft Teams announces new developer features | Build 2021 - Microsoft Tech CommunityBuild cloud-native applications that run anywhere | Azure Blog and Updates | Microsoft AzureImport a WebSocket API using the Azure portal | Microsoft DocsAzure Communications Service Book of NewsissäCosmos DB Book of NewsissäAnnouncing Azure SQL Database ledger - Microsoft Tech Community

  • 110: WinCE:stä IoTiin, WP:stä WAF:iin

    25/05/2021 Duração: 01h10min

    Jani Twitterissä ja LinkedInissäMicrosoft Azure Well-Architected FrameworkMicrosoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure - Cloud Adoption Framework | Microsoft DocsFAUGin Build-watch

  • #109T: SAP redux + Azure-nörtteily

    16/05/2021 Duração: 37min

    FAUG - Build Watch Party - Breakout Breakdown | MeetupFY21 Q1 - Press Releases - Investor Relations - MicrosoftAnswering Europe’s Call: Storing and Processing EU Data in the EU - EU Policy Blog (microsoft.com)Easily build real-time apps with WebSockets and Azure Web PubSub—now in preview | Azure Blog and Updates | Microsoft AzureDavid Fowler

  • #108: Lohkoketju purettuna palasiksi

    04/05/2021 Duração: 01h14min

    Lauri LinkedInissä 

  • #107T: News with blues and nuance

    23/04/2021 Duração: 30min

    Azure Cosmos DB Conf (gotcosmos.com)Nuance-ostos: Microsoft accelerates industry cloud strategy for healthcare with the acquisition of Nuance - StoriesDiscord-ostoksen epäonnistuminen: Discord Is Said to Reject Microsoft’s $12 Billion Offer - BloombergWindows Storen uudistaminen: Microsoft is building a new app store for Windows 10 in major revitalization effort | Windows CentralVisual Studio 2022 | Visual Studio Blog (microsoft.com)Managed Memory Dump Analyzers | Visual Studio Blog (microsoft.com)Cloud Services (extended support) is generally available, migration tool in preview | Azure Blog and Updates | Microsoft AzureSchrems II / AzureData Residency in Azure | Microsoft AzureAssuring customers about EU cross-border data flows - Microsoft On the IssuesNew steps to defend your data - Microsoft On the IssuesHey Microsoft Azure, where is my data? - Jussi Roine Virtuaalinen datakeskuskierros: We Live in the Cloud | Microsoft Story Labs

  • #106: SAP ja muut pimeyden voimat

    13/04/2021 Duração: 01h25min

    Jari Välijärvi Twitterissä ja LinkedInissäCosmos DB Conf - 20.4.2021

  • #105: Teollisuuspilvistä peleihin, Discordista Databricksiin

    02/04/2021 Duração: 35min

    Industry Clouds: Microsoft announces new cloud platforms built for financial services firms, nonprofits and manufacturers - TechRepublic,  Introducing Microsoft Cloud for Manufacturing - Microsoft Industry BlogsForrester: Azure Functions, FaaS Leader -raporttiMicrosoft, Telia Sweden partner to bolster Xbox game streaming in Europe | Windows CentralWhy Microsoft wants Discord - The Verge5 reasons Databricks runs best on Azure | Azure Blog and Updates | Microsoft AzurePower Fx: Microsoft is introducing a new programming language for enterprise users - MSPoweruserPowerToys FancyZones utility for Windows 10 | Microsoft Docs

  • #104: Vuori(o)saarna softataloille

    24/03/2021 Duração: 01h25min

    Juhani Vuorio Twitterissä ja LinkedInissä

  • #103T: Ignited!

    12/03/2021 Duração: 37min

    Microsoft Ignite 2021 Book of NewsIntroducing Microsoft Mesh | Here can be anywhere.Introducing semantic search: Bringing more meaningful results to Azure Cognitive Search (microsoft.com)What is Azure Resource Mover? | Microsoft DocsAzure Percept | Edge Computing Solution | Microsoft AzureIntroducing private Azure marketplace—simplified app governance and deployment | Azure Blog and Updates | Microsoft AzureConnecting customers and businesses with Azure Communication Services and Microsoft Teams | Azure Blog and Updates | Microsoft AzureWhat could 'the next generation of Windows' actually mean? | Windows Central

  • #102: Webbidevaus x Ikkunastudio

    02/03/2021 Duração: 01h22min

    Webbidevaus.fi. 'nuff said.

  • #101T: Viva la vida laboral

    19/02/2021 Duração: 37min

    Microsoft VivaConnecting Azure to the International Space Station with Hewlett Packard Enterprise | Azure Blog and Updates | Microsoft AzureMicrosoft Edge is crowdsourcing data to show or hide notification requests - The VergeMicrosoft MakeCode

  • #100: Hehtostudio

    09/02/2021 Duração: 01h14min

    Ikkunastudio 100! Ei vieraita sotkemassa studioisäntien bromancea, ei mitään turhaa aihetta leikkaamassa siipiä vapaalta ajatuksen liidolta! Pelkkää fiilistelyä siitä, mitä on ollut podcastata vajaan kuuden vuoden ja sadan jakson edestä. Muistoja, soundbiteja menneestä ja pieleen menneitä ennustuksia - siitä on IS 100 tehty. Ensi kerralla taas syvyyttä.

  • #99T: Blobi-indekseistä kvanttikoneisiin

    29/01/2021 Duração: 31min

    Linkkejä käsiteltyihin uutisiin:Application Guard for Office now generally availableMicrosoft’s new ‘One Outlook’ app leaks online - The VergeTeamsin uutuudetApprovalsMeeting RecapMicrosoft 365 RoadmapWindows 10X - Paul Thurrottin artikkelitAzure Blob Storage IndexConfidential Computing VMs on Azure Dedicated HostsMicrosoftin Q2FY2021-tulosMicrosoft looks unstoppable (yahoo.com)Microsoft unleashes ‘Death Star’ on SolarWinds hackers in extraordinary response to breach - GeekWireFull stack ahead: Pioneering quantum hardware allows for controlling up to thousands of qubits at cryogenic temperatures - Microsoft ResearchAzure Cognitive Services Translator - Inuktitut language text translation now available | Azure updates | Microsoft Azure

  • #98: Tukkuri 2021: Kauppahessuja vai guruja?

    19/01/2021 Duração: 01h33min

    Tuottaja pahoittelee isäntien ailahtelevaista äänenlaatua, ja lupaa kehittää jatkossa paremman monitorointiratkaisun. Onneksi vieras kuulostaa silkalta timantilta.Tuukka Korhonen LinkedInissä

  • #97T: PC-markkina, SolarWinds, sertifioinnit... ja Flash

    08/01/2021 Duração: 32min

    Asiaa sertifikaattien muutoksista (ZDNet)Microsoft suunnittelemassa omia prosessoreitaan (Bloomberg)Xboxin historiikki (Bloomberg)SolarWinds-debaakkeli:Microsoft says hackers were able to see some of its source code - The VergeSUNBURST, TEARDROP and the NetSec New Normal - Check Point ResearchEnsuring customers are protected from Solorigate - Microsoft Security

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