Inspire Nation | Daily Inspiration - Motivation - Meditation | Law Of Attraction | Health | Career | Spirituality | Self-help

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 2242:21:50
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Our Goals to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 174 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!!!



    22/09/2015 Duração: 55min

    If you’ve ever faced a whopping big challenge, or wanted to achieve at something so massive, others said it couldn’t be done, then whether you’re a business entrepreneur, athlete, or simply chasing your dreams, then this interview with James Lawrence, AKA the Iron Cowboy is for you! James didn’t just set a world-record, he blew it out of the water. 50 50 50, 50 Ironman Marathons in 50 States in 50 Days. But he didn’t do it out of ego, but out of faith, trust, conviction, and yes, determination. He also had the incredible love and support of his family. To James, his family doesn’t just come along for the ride, but is an integral part of his success, and he uses his endeavors to help teach his kids. James shares what it took for this ultra-marathon endeavor, from fueling, to logistics, to teamwork, timing, and so much more. He also shares his faith and spirituality, his mental strength, and why he believed there was no way he wouldn’t succeed. On top of that, he shares two self-help key ingredients. 1st, mindf

  • [Inspire 010] SCOTT SMITH - SECRETS TO MASSIVE SUCCESS - DOING WHAT YOU LOVE! Motivation to Move | Daily Boost | Self-Help

    21/09/2015 Duração: 01h10min

    If you’ve ever wanted to break free from the mold, discover massive success and live the life of your dreams then this interview with Scott Smith, host of the #1 self-help podcast Motivation to Move - Daily Boost! is for you! Scott’s life wasn’t all roses, which we talk about on the show. But he’s chased his dreams, becoming incredibly successful in the process. He shares how he started, overcame massive roadblocks, and how he stepped way outside of his comfort to become an incredible success. This interview is chock-full of how-to advice on building your own incredible success, whether that’s greater prosperity, better health, the partner of your dreams, or being that super entrepreneur, building the business you’ve dreamed of. As Scott says you'll learn how to "climb that mountain" and "rise above the interference!" You’ll learn how to perfect your craft. Build healthy habits. Get unstuck and live life without regrets. Like the Law of Attraction, you’ll learn how to pull success into your life while doing w

  • [Inspire 009] DR EBEN ALEXANDER - LIFE CHANGING LESSONS FROM NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES! Spirituality | Inspiration | Self-Help

    20/09/2015 Duração: 01h10min

    It was the ultimate twist of fate that a famous neurosurgeon who taught at Harvard, and would tell patients and students alike that the soul is merely an illusion of the mind, would be struck down with what should have been a fatal brain disease. Dr. Eben Alexander spent a week in a coma, brain-dead with cerebral meningitis, with doctors suggesting his wife pull the plug. They gave up on antibiotics and waited for him to die. But after 7 days without any signs of brain activity, he miraculously came back, and with the most incredible near-death experience to share. This is a truly life-changing interview. Here’s a doctor who’s entire life was built around a premise that there is no afterlife. And yet when he returns, he shares a completely different story. If you believe his story, and it’s hard not to, then it completely changes, or affirms, everything we think about life, about death, and where we’re going from here. It can’t help but get you thinking, and quite possibly living your life a different way. Th


    19/09/2015 Duração: 01h13min

    If you’ve ever struggled with health issues doctors couldn’t solve, then you may be one of the 80% of people deficient in magnesium! Magnesium’s responsible for over 800 known processes in the body and counting. If you want to find out if you may be deficient, the simplest ways to remedy it, and the huge positive benefits this could have for your body, then today’s show is for you. We’re talking with Dr. Carolyn Dean, a leading expert in Magnesium with over 30 books & 110 kindles on the life-changing benefits of magnesium. First we’ll discuss the top signs we’re deficient, why the deficiency, and how it shows up in our bodies. We’ll learn what to take, what not to take risks, dosages, and how much is safe! Plus baths, and true “electrolyte” sports drinks you can make at home without all the sugar! We’ll look at how to re-mineralize your body, reversing osteoporosis and getting stronger, healthier bones. And we’ll look at kicking heart-disease naturally, removing plaque from your arteries, eliminating hear

  • [Inspire 007] TIM LINK – ANIMAL WHISPERER SHARES HOW TO TALK W/ DOGS & CATS! Inspiration | Spirituality | Health | Self-Help

    18/09/2015 Duração: 59min

    Want to communicate better with your pet, understand what they’re thinking, help them be happier, and potentially overcome any behavioral challenges? If so then this heartwarming interview with Tim Link, animal whisperer extraordinaire is for you!  Find the secret to talking with your dog or cat. How to hear what they have to say. Learn the best ways to change behaviors, prevent bad ones, and train your animal to truly be your best friend. And vice-versa, to help your animal let you know what he or she wants. You’ll also learn how to be more mindful, present, and meditative with your pet. And how to open your heart and stay in a positive place, and its importance for your dog or cat. You’ll learn how to eliminate their anxiety, and cultivate greater love with your animal. You’ll learn their likes and dislikes, and why they do the strange and funny things they do! You’ll also understand a pet’s passing or dying better, heal old wounds, and learn how you can connect and communicate with your dog or cat on the o

  • [Inspire 006] ALAN C FOX - LEARN POWERFUL PEOPLE SKILLS & The Secret to Relationships! Law of Attraction| Health | Self-Help

    17/09/2015 Duração: 54min

    Want better relationships, a healthy partnership, or to find the right special someone and life-long happiness? Then this interview with NY Times Best-Seller Alan C. Fox, entrepreneur & founder of a billion dollar real-estate empire and an incredible people person, is for you! People Tools author Alan C. Fox, has had a successful marriage for 35 years, and has learned to cultivate extra-special relationships. But he wasn’t always successful at love and marriage. He’s been divorced twice, and always compromised his values for others. Until 1 day, he realized to change his relationships he needed to change himself. (Similar strategies to the Law of Attraction and The Secret.) Filled with laughter & fun stories, he covers an amazing range of relationship topics and strategies from how to be the right person and find the right person, to keeping yourself out of arguments. He even wraps up with a section on raising kids and as a multi-millionaire entrepreneur, teaching them about building success, money a

  • [Inspire 005] HAL ELROD - TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE WITH A MIRACLE MORNING! Motivation | Spirituality | Health | Wealth | Self-Help

    16/09/2015 Duração: 36min

    Want greater income? A better job? The fitness you’ve always wanted, or to finally be excited to get out of bed and take on the day? Then this interview with motivational speaker, life coach and #1 best-selling author Hal Elrod of The Miracle Morning is for you!  Some call him the next Tony Robbins, and after you’re fired up from this interview with powerful actionable advice you’ll understand why! Yet before Hal (aka Yo Pal Hal) became a success, he died 3 times after a drunk driver hit him head-on at age 20. Despite permanent brain damage, he rebounded, set his company’s sales record, and Hal joined his business hall of fame. Years later as an entrepreneur he experience financial disaster, losing his home, and getting deeply depressed. Yet he pulled himself up and became an unstoppable force of motivation and self-help guidance in the process. And he became an ultra-runner and visionary business and life coach too! His secret? The Miracle Morning program he shares in this interview that he learned after stu


    16/09/2015 Duração: 01h17min

    Do you want to be inspired and feel you can accomplish anything in life? Then this interview with Ben Saunders, world-record arctic explorer is for you! Ben had a dream to complete the Scott Expedition, an 1800 mile journey on foot to the South Pole and back considered so dangerous, no one had attempted it in over 100 years. The last team all died trying. But Ben believed he could do it. He doesn’t understand impossible. Instead he took 10 years preparing, raising 5 million dollars, and building a team to make the impossible possible.   Then he stepped onto the ice and into the unknown. For 105 days he pulled a 440 pound sled, over glaciers, ice-fields, even mountains in sub-zero blizzard conditions. It’s a journey so daunting it’s hard to comprehend. But we all can relate. We each have our mountains to climb and arctic deserts to traverse. We can learn from Ben how to get started, stay motivated, find solutions, and put one foot in front of the other to succeed at our dreams, no-matter-what. Ben Saunders is

  • [Inspire 002] KAMAL RAVIKANT - LOVE YOURSELF LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT! Inspiration | Motivation | Health | Self-Help

    15/09/2015 Duração: 01h13min

    Want to attract greater happiness, health, success, wealth and love into your life? Then this interview with self-love expert and Silicon Valley entrepreneur Kamal Ravikant author of the runaway bestseller Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It, is for you! Kamal wasn’t always a self-help expert. He was a successful tech start-up expert until the last company he started completely blew up. He lost friends, investors, his savings, his health, determination, and everything he had. Depressed and dejected, he holed himself up in bed in a dark room, saying “feeling depressed was on my better days”. But then one day, he couldn’t take it anymore, and crawled to his journal, where he made a sacred vow with himself. That vow would transform his life, and the lives of countless others. His life rebounded, his health took off, relationships improved, and even his finances dramatically turned around. Then he wrote a book on it which became an overnight sensation! In this inspiring interview you’ll learn about his sac


    15/09/2015 Duração: 12min

    Discover how Inspire Nation can transform your life! In this START here episode you'll learn about the show's unique daily format, upcoming guests, and about your host Michael Sandler. You'll learn how Inspire Nation came about (hint, it involved a near-death-experience), the type of guests you'll find on the show, and why it's your one-stop-shop for inspiration, motivation, guidance and direction. You'll be inspired to tune in daily, for amazing guests like Dr. Eben Alexander, runaway New York Times Best-Selling Author of Proof of Heaven, or Hal Elrod, a motivational speaker that'll have you up early for your best day's ever...yes, he's quite possibly the next Tony Robbins. Plus you'll hear from health experts like Dr. Carolyn Dean, the world's leading authority on Magnesium, Tim Link, an animal whisperer who'll teach you how to talk with your dog or cat...or any other animal you may have! You'll also get exclusive interviews from the likes of Michael Samuel's, one of the top spirituality authors and law-of-

  • [Inspire 003] MICHAEL SAMUELS - THE SECRET TO THE LAW OF ATTRACTION! Motivation | Spirituality | Health | Wealth | Self-Help

    15/09/2015 Duração: 01h09min

      If you’ve ever struggled to get a better job, a healthy relationship, the love of your life, or greater wealth or happiness, then this  EXCLUSIVE interview with Michael Samuels, the #1 best-selling Law of Attraction author of Ask the Universe, Keep Calm and Ask On, and the Universe-ity is for you!!! Until now Michael Samuels has never granted interviews. In this show, he comes out and shares his secrets to bringing into your life everything you desire. He also shares about his own life, his low point, the oppressive relationship he had, and how he was ignoring his inner self. Then watching a Tony Robbins interview, he made one simple act that would change everything. He found his own personal power,  that would put him on his path toward skyrocketing business success, an amazing writing career spanning multiple genres, and wildly successful self-help books that have transformed the lives of thousands. In this episode he’ll help you come up with your plan to bring about massive change in all areas of your li

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