Tired of management theory? Want to learn specific skills to help improve your management performance? Then Manager Tools is the podcast for you! Manager Tools is a weekly business podcast focused on helping professionals become more effective managers and leaders. Each week, we discuss specific actions for professionals to take to achieve their desired management and career objectives. Manager Tools won Best Business Podcast Award in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2012 as well as the People's Choice Award in 2008. Go to to read what others are saying about the impact Manager Tools has had on their careers and lives.
The Feedback Continuum
12/04/2009This cast describes how to give negative feedback in an escalating way, over time, to improve performance.
Systemic Feedback
05/04/2009What do we do when we've tried giving negative feedback but it doesn't seem to be working? We've given repeated instances of feedback, and yet we don't see a change in a direct's behavior? We give systemic feedback. And it's easy to give - it's just the four step standard feedback model with a change in focus. If you already know how to give standard feedback, systemic feedback is simple to implement...yet its simplicity belies its power. Really well delivered systemic feedback is exceptionally hard to ignore, and lays excellent groundwork for further efforts if the direct doesn't change his or her behavior.
Layoff Communications Part 1: Openly Confidential
29/03/2009This cast how to talk about layoffs when they are being considered. Many managers are torn when it comes to layoffs. Most of us know that when they happen, they're probably inevitable. We understand that layoffs are often a painful necessity (even though they're an admission of failure). We also know that the thought, rumor, or knowledge of layoffs is likely to create questions from our team. Just a rumor of a rumor will induce fear. So what are the rules about communicating about layoffs? What do we say when asked? How should we say it? Can we lie?
Bad Boss #1 - When You Have Directs
22/03/2009Most of us, when we have an angry and demeaning boss, tend to worry about ourselves first. We have to deal with most of the yelling, and most of the abuse. But if we have directs, we've got an additional responsibility. And our directs may be somewhat sheltered, but our boss can be REALLY threatening and fear‐inducing. We have a relationship of SOME sorts with this bad boss. But it's likely our directs ONLY see our boss at his or her worst. And, we almost always underestimate how much more fear our directs feel for their "skip‐boss" than we do. We've got to talk to our directs about this kind of boss, in a professional way, and we've got to have a consistent approach for dealing with the problems an angry and demeaning boss creates for our team. Here's how.
Deciding Between Two Good Candidates
15/03/2009This cast describes how to decide between two good candidates in a hiring situation. We're NOT going to tell everyone who's trying to decide between two candidates whom they should pick. What we are going to do with this cast is tell you what factors are most effective in determining whom to hire, as well as walking you through a simple process for the decision.
The Heart of Feedback
08/03/2009This cast describes behaviors for managers to engage in to ensure that they deliver feedback ethically and professionally. Mark recently had an experience that was somewhat chilling for him. He was talking to a manager who wanted to show him how good he was at improving. This was a High D, forceful manager who described himself as "a recovering jerk". He was following the Manager Tools Feedback Model, but wasn't getting results? Why is that? Because he was violating the purpose of feedback, to encourage effective behavior. Feedback that meets the purpose of feedback must come from a positive place, from emotions of love and not fear, of respect and not intimidation. We have a series of recommendations for all of us to do before we give feedback, so that we all stay mindful of WHY we're giving feedback, and what its purpose is: to encourage effective behavior.
Effective Meetings - No Laptops
01/03/2009This cast describes why and how to run your meetings without laptops. For our original cast on the Effective Meetings Protocol, check out "Effective Meetings - Get Out of Jail!"
The Starter Feedback Model - Part 2
22/02/2009In this cast, we complete our 2-part series on the Starter Feedback Model, an EVEN SIMPLER method for delivering feedback.
The Starter Feedback Model - Part 1
15/02/2009This cast describes an EVEN SIMPLER method for delivering feedback to help those managers who are struggling to implement it.
How To Handle Two Viable Job Candidates
08/02/2009This cast describes what to do when a manager has two candidates for a job that meet the standard, but you can only offer one candidate.
Bench Development in a Downturn
01/02/2009This cast discusses a way to build your recruiting "bench" during market downturns.
Horstman's Law of Project Management - Part 4
25/01/2009Part 4 of our series on Horstman's Law of Project Management.
Horstman's Law of Project Management - Part 3
18/01/2009Part 3 of our series on Horstman's Law of Project Management.
Horstman's Law of Project Management - Part 2
11/01/2009Part 2 of our series on Horstman's Law of Project Management.
Horstman's Law of Project Management - Part 1
04/01/2009In this cast we describe Horstman's Law of Project Management: Who Does What By When. We've talked and joked about it many times, and this cast will put to rest the details of Horstman's Law of Project Management (HLPM). Mark came up with it several years ago, to help a group of young managers get over their fear of working on fairly complex software development projects. It was actually born over a dinner at Mexican restaurant in Dallas! The concept is simple: all projects are simply tasks, done by people, within certain time frames. Despite all protestations to the contrary, no matter how complex the project, they all boil down to who is responsible for doing something, what they're responsible for, and when they have to have it done by. Complex tools can be helpful, but only on really large projects (and almost nobody looks at them anyway ;-) ). Keep it simple with HLPM. Here's how.
The Juggling Koan
14/01/2007Mark recently blogged with our first ever management koan, "What Would An Effective Manager Do?" In this cast, we share the answer.
Improve Your Feedback
17/02/2006It's been quite a while since we talked about feedback. We think one of the reasons for that is that there's some negativity to it. What we mean by that is that one on ones are an easy winner. It's about your team member, they want more time with you, a half hour with you every week seems too good to be true. And, if you've stuck to it, you've noticed improvements in areas that go beyond just employee relationships. Maybe they're kind of hard on your schedule INITIALLY, but they're perceived positively.
Feedback - Revisited!
10/10/2005We've received a great many questions, comments, and kudos for our show in July on the Feedback Model. Many listeners are discovering the power of feedback, of taking it out of the realm of the rare and into the stream of the every day. Not to sound repetitive, but most managers see feedback as akin to holding their breath - waiting as long as possible, and then creating a lot of sound and often fury. The Feedback Model tells us to see feedback like breathing - so regular as to become unnoticed.Many of you have written asking questions about how to counter some of the typical responses to the feedback you give. "What do I do or say when they tell me they'll 'think about it'? What if they SAY they'll make the change, only to continue in their ineffective behavior patterns? As you might imagine, we've dealt with these issues before, and this show talks about the approach to take, and once again, gives you SPECIFIC things to say and why they work.We do a brief review of the feedback model at the front of the cas
Effective Meetings - There’s More!
16/08/2005Today we wrap-up our conversation on effective meetings, as well as answer some listener questions on meetings, one-on-ones, and feedback.
Effective Meetings - Part Two
08/08/2005Today we cover the second in our series on effective meetings.