Kelly's Talkshow

Buying Perfume 香水选购小贴士



Hey Amanda, it's my girlfriend's birthday coming up. Would you mind helping me pick out a perfume for her?嘿,Amanda,我女朋友的生日快到了。你能帮我挑一瓶香水给她吗?Sure, Tony. Do you have a brand in mind?当然可以啦Tony。你有中意的品牌吗?Uh… not really.额...没有。Ok, most women like either floral or fruity scents. But some prefer musky or spicy ones. What's her personality like?好吧。大多数女生都喜欢花香或果香。但也有人喜欢麝香或辛辣的香型。她的性格是什么样的?She's really fun and energetic.风趣幽默、充满活力。Then a citrus scent might be nice for her. They smell like oranges.那柑橘类果味应该适合她,闻起来像橘子味道一样。That would totally suit her.那肯定适合她。Do you want to buy eau de parfum or eau de toilette? Eau de parfum is stronger and lasts longer but is more expensive. Eau de toilette is lighter but good for everyday use.你想买浓香水还是淡香水?浓香水更浓烈、更持久,但也更贵一些。淡香水比较清淡,但是适合日常使用。Oh, I see. I think she'd prefer eau de toilette.噢,我明白了。我觉得她应该更喜欢淡香水。Ok. I've chosen a few perfumes I think your girlfriend might like. I'll send you the links.好了。我选了几款你女友可能会喜欢的香水。我把链接发给你。Perfect! Thanks so much!太好了!太感谢你了! Grammar | 语法点 Different ways to use "w